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Ac afecteaza ficatul ??-3

#39 2013-02-25 21:50:35

New member
Inregistrat: 2010-12-23
Mesaje: 60

Re: Ac afecteaza ficatul ??

buna smile am tot citit pe aici despre hepatoprotector si nu am ajuns la o concluzie. eu iau AC de aproape 4 ani. in ultimul an am luat yasmin. ar trebui sa iau hepatoprotector? multumesc



#40 2013-02-25 22:00:09

Inregistrat: 2007-09-04
Mesaje: 18077

Re: Ac afecteaza ficatul ??

fa-ti analizele de sange - hemoleucograma, colesterol total si fractiuni, trigliceride, glicemie, tgo, tgp, si timpul quick pt. coagulare; daca ies ok, n-are rost sa mai iei niste pastile in plus doar asa de dragul de a le lua.

analizele trebuie repetate anual.

Ultima oara a fost editat de yoyolina (2013-02-25 22:01:39)

daca vrei sa mori sanatos, trebuie sa mori de foame.



#41 2013-03-09 04:31:38

women entrepreneur
Inregistrat: 2013-03-09
Mesaje: 1

Re: Ac afecteaza ficatul ??

Your logo and stationery package isn't just an annoying necessity. It is the first thing people see in relation to your company. It is your chance to make a great first impression. So, make sure that you invest the timewomen entrepreneurand resources it deserves. Don't just have your brother-in-law's graphic designer cousin create something in a couple of hours that doesn't represent who your company is or where you want it to be a year from now. Your logo, stationery package, collateral, and website design should be consistent with each other and with your brand's identity. These elements are too important to leave to chance.





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