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Vaccinul pentru col uterin-2

#20 2008-02-12 18:07:37

Platinum member
De la: Oradea
Inregistrat: 2006-08-19
Mesaje: 23955

Re: vaccinul pentru col uterin

lol murit 2 fete in germania mi se singurul lucru aparent pe care l aveau impreuna era ca amandoua au facut bineinteles media a sarit imediat...povesti ca de s a spus nimic despre autopsia fetelor..despre posibile probleme de fine...fiecare crede ce vrea...

happy with him...inlove with him...puss



#21 2008-02-12 18:15:19

Full member
Inregistrat: 2007-01-28
Mesaje: 431

Re: vaccinul pentru col uterin

A, motiv de ingrijorare...

Always remember that true beauty comes from within: from within bottles, jars, compacts, and tubes :-).



#22 2008-02-16 18:25:11

Full member
Inregistrat: 2006-10-27
Mesaje: 322

Re: vaccinul pentru col uterin

am tot vorbit dupa momentul in care s-a aflat de suspiciunea aceasta cu farmacisti  si toti mi-au spus sa mai astept caci Merck a mai facut gafe de genul asta si cu alte medicamente de au murit oamenii.
Sunt doua vaccinuri pt cancerul de col uterin unul de la Merck si unul de la GSK (produs in UK). M-am documentat bine inainte de a ma hotari sa astept (am aflat cum anume se testeaza si cum la inceput e un fel de experiment caci nu poate sa astepte zeci de ani ca sa vada efectul pe termen lung)
Da-ti search pe google si o sa cititi diferite povesti (si sunt prea multe ca sa ignoram pur si simplu)
Uite aici un articol ce m-a pus pe mine pe ganduri:

On October 8, 2007, Judicial Watch Released Analysis Of FDA Data Claiming Gardasil Vaccination Can Lead To Serious Health Problems, Death

According to Judicial Watch, 3,461 complaints about Gardasil have been filed with FDA's Vaccine Adverse Event Report System since its approval last year, and 11 women died after exposure to the vaccine.  That is an additional 8 deaths since the last report of 3.  The complaints about Gardasil have more than doubled compared to the original 1,637 adverse events reported by Alliance for Human Research Protection.

Alliance for Human Research Protection reports that of the original 1,637 adverse events 371 were serious reactions, including the three original deaths linked to Merck's vaccine. A female patient "died of a blood clot three hours after getting the Gardasil vaccine." Two other reports, on girls 12 and 19, reported deaths relating to heart problems and/or blood clotting.

Other serious side-effects reported included paralysis, Bells Palsy, Guillain-Barre Syndrome, and seizures. And of 42 women who were vaccinated with Gardasil while pregnant, 18 experienced complications, ranging from miscarriages to fetal abnormalities, according to new FDA data. One of the 18 women was diagnosed with an abnormal fetus, and a test conducted on another woman during her pregnancy showed an increased risk of fetal defect.

An article in the FW Daily News written on March 14, 2007 reported ? A lead researcher, Diane M. Harper, who spent 20 years developing the vaccine for humanpapilloma virus states that the HPV vaccine is not for younger girls, and that it is "silly" for states to be mandating it for them.

Not only that, she says it's not been tested for effectiveness in younger girls, and administering the vaccine to girls as young as 9 may not even protect them at all. And, in the worst-case scenario, instead of serving to reduce the numbers of cervical cancers within 25 years, such a vaccination crusade actually could cause the numbers to go up.

"Giving it to 11-year-olds is a great big public health experiment," said Diane M. Harper, who is a scientist, physician, professor and the director of the Gynecologic Cancer Prevention Research Group at the Norris Cotton Cancer Center at Dartmouth Medical School in New Hampshire.

"It is silly to mandate vaccination of 11- to 12-year-old girls. There is also not enough evidence gathered on side effects to know that safety is not an issue."

Harper is internationally recognized as a pioneer in the field and has been studying HPV and has been searching for a possible vaccine for several of the more than 100 strains of HPV for 20 years - most of her adult life.

When we have the lead researcher cautioning against vaccinating young girls I think we should take head and halt this experimental charade before more of our young girls die.



#23 2008-02-16 21:01:49

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Inregistrat: 2008-02-15
Mesaje: 711

Re: vaccinul pentru col uterin

pink_brain, m-ai pus pe ganduri cu articolul eu aveam de gand sa fac vaccinul, am 28 ani si ginecoloaga a zis ca nu e prea tarziu. Mi-a povestit ca a fost la un seminar pe tema acestui vaccin, in care s-au dat foarte multe exemple de femei la care in stadiu incipient al cancerului de col boala nu a evoluat deloc sau chiar a stagnat in faza in care era dupa administrarea vaccinului, inclusiv la unele care erau in faza terminala...cica s-ar fi facut aceste teste in Japonia. Mie mi-a dat incredere cand mi-a spus lucrul asta, insa tind sa cred mai mult un om de stiinta decat un medic ginecolog. Cred ca mai astept si eu...
Poate stie doctoressa mai multe?

I'll be nice if you give me chocolate!
avem un puiutz de om bebe Oliver 21.05.2010



#24 2008-02-16 21:07:22

New member
Inregistrat: 2007-12-27
Mesaje: 21

Re: vaccinul pentru col uterin

buna! ar fi bine sa cititi pe net despre gardasil si silgard (produse de merck). ziarele americane au publicat deja articole in care au scris ca producatorii nu au spus despre aluminiul pe care-l contin si care afecteaza grav sanatatea. s-ar putea ca cel produs de glaxosmithkline sa fie mai bun, dar nu va sfatuiesc sa va vaccinati cu gardasil sau silgard





#25 2008-02-18 10:14:24

Full member
Inregistrat: 2006-10-27
Mesaje: 322

Re: vaccinul pentru col uterin

eu am contact cu cei de la GSK din romania si am vazut cum anume se produc medicamentele la ei (foarte strict) dar despre vaccin nu stiu exact. de el se pare ca nu s-a plans lumea, dar ma gandesc....Cat de diferite pot sa fie ele avand in vedere ca au acelas scop?





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