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Va invit la nunta mea!-2#21 2008-02-18 20:35:23
Re: Va invit la nunta mea!
He he, sala este nelimitata! Deocamdata va invit la nunta online, dar cine stie poate veniti si la cea reala, cand va fi! Ultima oara a fost editat de schumiholic (2008-02-18 20:39:58) If you love something, set it free. If it comes back, it will always be yours. If it doesn't come back, it was never yours to begin with. BUT, if it just sits in your living room, messes up your stuff, eats your food, uses your telephone, takes your money, and doesn't appear to realize that you had set it free....... You either married it or gave birth to it! Offline #22 2008-02-18 20:36:04
Re: Va invit la nunta mea!vin si eu www.specialitaticulinare.blogspot.com - Super chec marmorat, neinecacios si simplu de facut!! Offline #23 2008-02-18 20:37:50
Re: Va invit la nunta mea!
eu am sters adresa, dar vrei sa o stergi si tu din citat? Offline #24 2008-02-18 20:40:25
Re: Va invit la nunta mea!Dar in albumul de nunta v-ati uitat? If you love something, set it free. If it comes back, it will always be yours. If it doesn't come back, it was never yours to begin with. BUT, if it just sits in your living room, messes up your stuff, eats your food, uses your telephone, takes your money, and doesn't appear to realize that you had set it free....... You either married it or gave birth to it! Offline Publicitateloading...
#25 2008-02-18 20:43:14
Re: Va invit la nunta mea!
sunt hazlii pozele si la fel si replicile imi place de mirii pe care ii vad Offline #26 2008-02-18 21:00:42
Re: Va invit la nunta mea!si eu vreau...nu am mai fost la o nunta de ieri Offline #28 2008-02-18 21:20:27
Re: Va invit la nunta mea!Trimis! If you love something, set it free. If it comes back, it will always be yours. If it doesn't come back, it was never yours to begin with. BUT, if it just sits in your living room, messes up your stuff, eats your food, uses your telephone, takes your money, and doesn't appear to realize that you had set it free....... You either married it or gave birth to it! Offline #29 2008-02-18 21:25:55
Re: Va invit la nunta mea!mersi si CASA DE PIATRA cu:bebe: http://www.tamagochi.ro/pet-Tony un votulet zilnic daca se poate ! Offline #30 2008-02-18 21:31:36
Re: Va invit la nunta mea!mai nou e casa de termopane Offline #31 2008-02-18 21:39:26
Re: Va invit la nunta mea!thug_stefania...si eu vreau sa vin. Offline #32 2008-02-18 21:48:21
Re: Va invit la nunta mea!
Nuuuuuuuuuuu, e casa de rahat ca sa nu-si bage nimeni nasul! Ultima oara a fost editat de schumiholic (2008-02-18 21:49:19) If you love something, set it free. If it comes back, it will always be yours. If it doesn't come back, it was never yours to begin with. BUT, if it just sits in your living room, messes up your stuff, eats your food, uses your telephone, takes your money, and doesn't appear to realize that you had set it free....... You either married it or gave birth to it! Offline #33 2008-02-18 21:59:50
Re: Va invit la nunta mea!si eu ca n-am fost in viata mea la o nunta... vai ce rusine :"> Offline #34 2008-02-18 22:04:31
Re: Va invit la nunta mea!si eu vreau : Ultima oara a fost editat de iony (2008-02-18 22:08:32) Offline #35 2008-02-18 22:53:30
Re: Va invit la nunta mea!si eu vreau ... mailu mi ca si idu de la profil it doesn`t matter if the guy is perfect or the girl is perfect as long as they are perfect for each other Offline #36 2008-02-18 23:09:10
Re: Va invit la nunta mea!Si eu, si eu. Uai, ce tare, mergem la nunta #37 2008-02-18 23:29:05
Re: Va invit la nunta mea!si eu.. (e la id-uri)@yahoo.com... vezi, poate nu castigi excursia aia la paris.. :-w Ultima oara a fost editat de same_soulfly (2008-02-19 02:59:05) Tot mai tăcut si singur/ În lumea mea pustie/ Si tot mai mult m-apasă/ O grea mizantropie..... Offline #38 2008-02-19 00:55:55
Re: Va invit la nunta mea!Mersi mult de tot fetelor pentru sprijin si implicare. Si participare!!! Chestia e ca eu am 43 de invitati si nunta cea mai mare are 407!!! If you love something, set it free. If it comes back, it will always be yours. If it doesn't come back, it was never yours to begin with. BUT, if it just sits in your living room, messes up your stuff, eats your food, uses your telephone, takes your money, and doesn't appear to realize that you had set it free....... You either married it or gave birth to it! Offline © Anticonceptionale.ro. Reproducerea integrala sau partiala a textelor sau a fotografiilor din oricare pagina a site-ului anticonceptionale.ro va fi posibila numai cu acordul nostru scris. |