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Colt sensibil-6

#96 2008-10-05 20:21:10

Platinum member
De la: bebeloi iubiti
Inregistrat: 2007-01-18
Mesaje: 19256

Re: colt sensibil

mami de minuni hjarta



#97 2008-10-05 20:33:22

Sr. member
De la: orasul de pe deal
Inregistrat: 2006-09-14
Mesaje: 1177



#98 2008-10-05 23:56:55

New member
Inregistrat: 2008-06-22
Mesaje: 77

Re: colt sensibil

Alejandro Sanz, tranducerea versurilor:

My friend, I know you only live for him,
and he knows this too, but he doesn't see you
like I do. I beg you - my mouth confessed after a few glasses - that its your skin that I dream of at night, and that I go crazy with every button you undo, thinking of your hands.
He hasn't seen you tremble, hoping for a word, a gesture, a hug.
He doesn't see you like I do, sighing, with your eyes wide open, to listen to me say it.
Ah, my friend, I know it and so does he.

My friend, I don't know what to say
nor what to do to see you happy.
If only I could send to the soul freely
what it is that he's missing,
to fill your pockets with wars won, renewed dreams and visions.
I want to give you the gift of a poem,
though you think I am spreading the news.

My friend, I hope that one day you hear my song,
and then you understand that I never wanted
to tell your story
because that could stir things up.
Forgive me, my friend,
it's neither intelligence, nor wisdom,
but it's my way of saying things.
Not that it's my job, but it is my language.

My friend, princess of an infinite tale,
my friend, so alone that I pretend you share your story with me,
my friend, to see if one of these days,
at the end I'll learn to speak
without having to beat around the bush,
that all this history matters to me
because you are my friend.

Povestea cantecului:

This song is basically about a song which Sanz wrote before he was famous. It was about one of his good friends and it told the story of her mishaps with a man who didnt appreciate her for who she was and Sanz truly saw what she was blinded from. In the original song, the exact same first verse is there, but in the album version, he changes the song. The reason for the change becomes the output of the final song. His friend does not approve of the original song and she feels a bit unhappy with the telling of her story... so Sanz' response to this is this:

Yo quiero regalarte una poes?a;
t? piensas que estoy dando las noticias.

Amiga m?a, ojala alg?n d?a escuchando mi canci?n,
de pronto, entiendas que nunca quise fue contar tu historia
porque pudiera resultar conmovedora.
Pero, perdona, amiga m?a,
no es inteligencia mi sabidur?a;
esta es mi manera de decir las cosas.
No es que sea mi trabajo, es que es mi idioma.

And to summerize this, he apologizes for the telling of her story, but he wants to make sure that she know exactly why he has written the song. he puts it as: I just wanted to give you a piece of poetry, but you think I'm trying to tell people your story [figurativly]. By saying this Sanz complements the other half of the song which is an apology so that she doesn't feel exploited by him through his song. Instead he wants her to know that this present he has given her is simply his way of expressing his feelings, not some way of using her... and he just hopes she understands.. the following verses after the chorus are about her story once again and her feelings towards the men in her life who have mis treated her.



#99 2008-10-07 16:53:30

Sr. member
De la: orasul de pe deal
Inregistrat: 2006-09-14
Mesaje: 1177

Re: colt sensibil

  My Lover's Gone  ... sad



#100 2008-10-07 17:13:13

Hero member
De la: bucuresti
Inregistrat: 2008-01-17
Mesaje: 2199

Re: colt sensibil

eryn a scris:

Alejandro Sanz, tranducerea versurilor:

My friend, I know you only live for him,
and he knows this too, but he doesn't see you
like I do. I beg you - my mouth confessed after a few glasses - that its your skin that I dream of at night, and that I go crazy with every button you undo, thinking of your hands.
He hasn't seen you tremble, hoping for a word, a gesture, a hug.
He doesn't see you like I do, sighing, with your eyes wide open, to listen to me say it.
Ah, my friend, I know it and so does he.

My friend, I don't know what to say
nor what to do to see you happy.
If only I could send to the soul freely
what it is that he's missing,
to fill your pockets with wars won, renewed dreams and visions.
I want to give you the gift of a poem,
though you think I am spreading the news.

My friend, I hope that one day you hear my song,
and then you understand that I never wanted
to tell your story
because that could stir things up.
Forgive me, my friend,
it's neither intelligence, nor wisdom,
but it's my way of saying things.
Not that it's my job, but it is my language.

My friend, princess of an infinite tale,
my friend, so alone that I pretend you share your story with me,
my friend, to see if one of these days,
at the end I'll learn to speak
without having to beat around the bush,
that all this history matters to me
because you are my friend.

Povestea cantecului:

This song is basically about a song which Sanz wrote before he was famous. It was about one of his good friends and it told the story of her mishaps with a man who didnt appreciate her for who she was and Sanz truly saw what she was blinded from. In the original song, the exact same first verse is there, but in the album version, he changes the song. The reason for the change becomes the output of the final song. His friend does not approve of the original song and she feels a bit unhappy with the telling of her story... so Sanz' response to this is this:

Yo quiero regalarte una poes?a;
t? piensas que estoy dando las noticias.

Amiga m?a, ojala alg?n d?a escuchando mi canci?n,
de pronto, entiendas que nunca quise fue contar tu historia
porque pudiera resultar conmovedora.
Pero, perdona, amiga m?a,
no es inteligencia mi sabidur?a;
esta es mi manera de decir las cosas.
No es que sea mi trabajo, es que es mi idioma.

And to summerize this, he apologizes for the telling of her story, but he wants to make sure that she know exactly why he has written the song. he puts it as: I just wanted to give you a piece of poetry, but you think I'm trying to tell people your story [figurativly]. By saying this Sanz complements the other half of the song which is an apology so that she doesn't feel exploited by him through his song. Instead he wants her to know that this present he has given her is simply his way of expressing his feelings, not some way of using her... and he just hopes she understands.. the following verses after the chorus are about her story once again and her feelings towards the men in her life who have mis treated her.

melodia mea de suflet hjarta
il ador pe omul asta... are o voce hjartahjarta





#101 2008-10-07 17:41:29

New member
Inregistrat: 2008-06-22
Mesaje: 77

Re: colt sensibil

si mie imi place mult  trombon



#102 2008-10-07 21:42:43

Insomniac member
Inregistrat: 2006-08-10
Mesaje: 8371

Re: colt sensibil our song hjarta
em todas as ruas do amor seras meu e eu serei tua hjarta



#103 2008-10-07 21:48:08

Insomniac member
Inregistrat: 2006-08-10
Mesaje: 8371

Re: colt sensibil

mela asta i-am trimis-o lui acum...sad our song hjarta
em todas as ruas do amor seras meu e eu serei tua hjarta



#104 2008-10-07 21:51:47

Insomniac member
Inregistrat: 2006-08-10
Mesaje: 8371

Re: colt sensibil

grater our song hjarta
em todas as ruas do amor seras meu e eu serei tua hjarta



#105 2008-10-10 16:34:43

Addicted member
Inregistrat: 2007-01-31
Mesaje: 13180

Re: colt sensibil


"Viaţa se compune din ţevi sparte, din robinete care curg, din tencuieli coşcovite, din plase pe care le cari de la piaţă, din rufe care le speli, din coate-n tramvaie, dar şi din Bach şi din Beethoven, din Shakespeare şi din Tolstoi, din Eminescu şi din Blaga, din Michelangelo şi din Ţuculescu. Totul e viaţă."
Thé à la menthe hjarta



#106 2008-10-10 16:38:34

Diamond member
Inregistrat: 2006-11-21
Mesaje: 137398

Re: colt sensibil

eu nu prea le am cu dulcegariile, dar mai pacatuiesc cateodata smile
mai nou imi place asta :



#107 2008-10-13 21:06:29

Hero member
De la: bucuresti
Inregistrat: 2008-01-17
Mesaje: 2199

Re: colt sensibil

cea mai frumoasa melodie ever hjartahjartahjartahjartahjarta
uitasem de ea, dar am auzit-o intr-o reclama



#108 2008-10-13 21:08:19

Addicted member
Inregistrat: 2007-01-31
Mesaje: 13180

Re: colt sensibil

e frumoasa, mie imi place muuuult, mi-a placut si filmul... pe acasa ai auzit-o, nu, la serialul ala nou...

"Viaţa se compune din ţevi sparte, din robinete care curg, din tencuieli coşcovite, din plase pe care le cari de la piaţă, din rufe care le speli, din coate-n tramvaie, dar şi din Bach şi din Beethoven, din Shakespeare şi din Tolstoi, din Eminescu şi din Blaga, din Michelangelo şi din Ţuculescu. Totul e viaţă."
Thé à la menthe hjarta



#109 2008-10-13 21:10:14

Hero member
De la: bucuresti
Inregistrat: 2008-01-17
Mesaje: 2199

Re: colt sensibil

nicolle_rox a scris:

e frumoasa, mie imi place muuuult, mi-a placut si filmul... pe acasa ai auzit-o, nu, la serialul ala nou...

da, cred... nu stiu ca nu mai uit pe acasa... am dat asa in trecere si am auzit-o hjartahjartahjarta si filmul a fost asa frumos si romantic hjarta



#110 2008-10-13 21:19:56

Addicted member
Inregistrat: 2007-01-31
Mesaje: 13180

Re: colt sensibil

eee, mi-a atras si mie atentia melodia cand am auzit-o pe post... da, filmul frumos tare, o poveste din aia cum imi place oarecum fun hjarta da' melodia e superba...
videclipul asta imi place

"Viaţa se compune din ţevi sparte, din robinete care curg, din tencuieli coşcovite, din plase pe care le cari de la piaţă, din rufe care le speli, din coate-n tramvaie, dar şi din Bach şi din Beethoven, din Shakespeare şi din Tolstoi, din Eminescu şi din Blaga, din Michelangelo şi din Ţuculescu. Totul e viaţă."
Thé à la menthe hjarta



#111 2008-10-14 14:30:32

Platinum member
Inregistrat: 2008-06-13
Mesaje: 20306

Re: colt sensibil

" Aşa că voi veni să te văd c?nd se va face dimineaţă şi, din felul ?n care te voi privi, vei şti că te iubesc, că sunt tulburată de vocea ta, de ochii tăi, de z?mbetul tău strălucitor şi de sunetul paşilor tăi. Te voi vedea şi sunt fericită, ?nspăim?ntător de fericită, pentru că sunt aproape de tine. "
(Ana?s Nin)

Just a puppet on a lonely string, oh who would ever wanna be king ?



#112 2008-10-14 18:23:33

Sr. member
Inregistrat: 2008-05-09
Mesaje: 1303

Re: colt sensibil

taisha a scris:

cea mai frumoasa melodie ever hjartahjartahjartahjartahjarta
uitasem de ea, dar am auzit-o intr-o reclama

Despre ce melodie e vorba?
Pe youtube spune ca videoclipul nu e valabil in tara noastra  :f?rbannad:



#113 2008-10-14 18:27:17

Insomniac member
De la: ...casuta cu vise
Inregistrat: 2008-06-17
Mesaje: 7988

Re: colt sensibil

nicolle_rox a scris:

eee, mi-a atras si mie atentia melodia cand am auzit-o pe post... da, filmul frumos tare, o poveste din aia cum imi place oarecum fun hjarta da' melodia e superba...
videclipul asta imi place

am vaz filmul stardust smile

"Nu inţeleg cum o femeie poate ieşi din casă nearanjată - e o lipsă de politeţe. Şi nu poţi şti niciodată, poate chiar aceea este ziua in care-ţi intalneşti destinul. Iar in faţa destinului trebuie să apari cit poţi tu de frumoasă." Coco Chanel
roccolino big_smile … re=related



#114 2008-10-14 18:37:51

Hero member
De la: bucuresti
Inregistrat: 2008-01-17
Mesaje: 2199

Re: colt sensibil

Sidoni@ a scris:

taisha a scris:

cea mai frumoasa melodie ever hjartahjartahjartahjartahjarta
uitasem de ea, dar am auzit-o intr-o reclama

Despre ce melodie e vorba?
Pe youtube spune ca videoclipul nu e valabil in tara noastra  :f?rbannad:

? re=related incearca linkul asta





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