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Ce gandesti acum/ un topic offtopic 23-235#4447 2008-08-16 01:15:09
Re: Ce gandesti acum/ un topic offtopic 23eu mananc un castravete #4448 2008-08-16 01:15:21
Re: Ce gandesti acum/ un topic offtopic 23m-am linistit; iubi nu vrea sazica ce imi face bun! acum agita niste oua.... nu acele oua... Offline #4449 2008-08-16 01:15:33
Re: Ce gandesti acum/ un topic offtopic 23eu ma duc sa dorm....poate in vis o sa pacatuiesc...macar acolo... "The most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you can find someone to love the "you" you love, well, that's just fabulous" Offline #4450 2008-08-16 01:15:34
Re: Ce gandesti acum/ un topic offtopic 23ce place melodia, skumpi:X Offline #4451 2008-08-16 01:16:14
Re: Ce gandesti acum/ un topic offtopic 23
si mie Publicitateloading...
#4452 2008-08-16 01:16:20
Re: Ce gandesti acum/ un topic offtopic 23
somnic usor..si sa visezi c vrei #4453 2008-08-16 01:16:59
Re: Ce gandesti acum/ un topic offtopic 23noapte bunaaa... a mai plecat un forumist... Offline #4454 2008-08-16 01:17:02
Re: Ce gandesti acum/ un topic offtopic 23si dupa cate.. vad pofta buna si pt theSame ElaElis "The most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you can find someone to love the "you" you love, well, that's just fabulous" Offline #4455 2008-08-16 01:17:48
Re: Ce gandesti acum/ un topic offtopic 23eu sunt inca aici Offline #4456 2008-08-16 01:17:56
Re: Ce gandesti acum/ un topic offtopic 23ms Myutza "The most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you can find someone to love the "you" you love, well, that's just fabulous" Offline #4457 2008-08-16 01:17:58
Re: Ce gandesti acum/ un topic offtopic 23am doar pofta.... ca tot la agitat oua este Offline #4458 2008-08-16 01:18:14
Re: Ce gandesti acum/ un topic offtopic 23
eu stiu #4459 2008-08-16 01:21:01
Re: Ce gandesti acum/ un topic offtopic 23
sa ne spui si noua ce face..... Offline #4460 2008-08-16 01:21:47
Re: Ce gandesti acum/ un topic offtopic 23eu nu am somn. si al meu iubi e pe la predeal....la cursuri cica...dar mai devreme bea bere cu baietii....dah...greu tare la curs. If you feel my love, can hear my thoughts? Can you feel everything? And if you hear my thoughts, can you feed my soul? Can you save it too? Eu si puiu Offline #4461 2008-08-16 01:21:51
Re: Ce gandesti acum/ un topic offtopic 23
ms, YoHanna, sunt deja gata. Offline #4462 2008-08-16 01:23:22
Re: Ce gandesti acum/ un topic offtopic 23fetele, zicetimi si mie un leac pentru punctele negre... m-am saturat de ele ( Offline #4463 2008-08-16 01:25:01
Re: Ce gandesti acum/ un topic offtopic 23
Nu exista Offline #4464 2008-08-16 01:25:39
Re: Ce gandesti acum/ un topic offtopic 23parca zicea cineva pe forum de cafea ca e buna...din aia din cutie (adica nu zat de cafea)....sau malai parca. eu nu am incercat, deci nu-ti pot zice din proprie experienta daca e bun sau nu. dar asta am auzit pe la fete...si chiar ma gandeam sa incerc si eu. Ultima oara a fost editat de Andreea86 (2008-08-16 01:26:52) If you feel my love, can hear my thoughts? Can you feel everything? And if you hear my thoughts, can you feed my soul? Can you save it too? Eu si puiu Offline #4465 2008-08-16 01:26:38
Re: Ce gandesti acum/ un topic offtopic 23
eu am dat cu o crema si vad ca mai dispar.... e de la FLP Offline © Anticonceptionale.ro. Reproducerea integrala sau partiala a textelor sau a fotografiilor din oricare pagina a site-ului anticonceptionale.ro va fi posibila numai cu acordul nostru scris. |