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Ce gandesti acum - offtopic 43-146#2756 2008-11-22 15:12:40
Re: ce gandesti acum - offtopic 43spor la invatat mycu ... ..be the best ...fuck the rest )) Offline #2757 2008-11-22 15:12:44
Re: ce gandesti acum - offtopic 43
zpor!!!!!11 "Nu inţeleg cum o femeie poate ieşi din casă nearanjată - e o lipsă de politeţe. Şi nu poţi şti niciodată, poate chiar aceea este ziua in care-ţi intalneşti destinul. Iar in faţa destinului trebuie să apari cit poţi tu de frumoasă." Coco Chanel roccolino http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uyLU3qQw … re=related Offline #2758 2008-11-22 15:18:53
Re: ce gandesti acum - offtopic 43mno...nush ce sa zic... #2759 2008-11-22 15:22:10
Re: ce gandesti acum - offtopic 43Oh the weather outside is frightful Offline Publicitateloading...
#2761 2008-11-22 15:24:50
Re: ce gandesti acum - offtopic 43 I am who I am and I choose to be me! He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog / You are his life, his love, his leader He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart / You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion! Offline #2762 2008-11-22 15:25:48
Re: ce gandesti acum - offtopic 43buna camysh ... ..be the best ...fuck the rest )) Offline #2763 2008-11-22 15:27:23
Re: ce gandesti acum - offtopic 43
They can because they think they can. Offline #2764 2008-11-22 15:34:18
Re: ce gandesti acum - offtopic 43da, One! I am who I am and I choose to be me! He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog / You are his life, his love, his leader He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart / You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion! Offline #2765 2008-11-22 15:36:15
Re: ce gandesti acum - offtopic 43am venit aici de pe topicul celalalt cu fata mea lucia ,vad k gandim la fel They can because they think they can. Offline #2766 2008-11-22 15:37:21
Re: ce gandesti acum - offtopic 43eu am bagat un carnatz #2767 2008-11-22 15:37:44
Re: ce gandesti acum - offtopic 43
ce de mancare si ce bine suna iti facem o vizita??? Offline #2768 2008-11-22 15:39:47
Re: ce gandesti acum - offtopic 43 pai am fugit de acolo si nu vreau sa spun ce feeling am despre ce se va intampla in continuare I am who I am and I choose to be me! He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog / You are his life, his love, his leader He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart / You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion! Offline #2769 2008-11-22 15:40:47
Re: ce gandesti acum - offtopic 43salata de beof ... ..be the best ...fuck the rest )) Offline #2770 2008-11-22 15:41:08
Re: ce gandesti acum - offtopic 43ufff, va astept! ca maine pot sa imi fac altceva de mancare I am who I am and I choose to be me! He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog / You are his life, his love, his leader He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart / You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion! Offline #2771 2008-11-22 15:42:13
Re: ce gandesti acum - offtopic 43
gooooooo skumpiiiiiiiiii They can because they think they can. Offline #2772 2008-11-22 15:42:43
Re: ce gandesti acum - offtopic 43esti din ploiesti lucia ? ..be the best ...fuck the rest )) Offline #2773 2008-11-22 15:43:57
Re: ce gandesti acum - offtopic 43
nuu...d porc #2774 2008-11-22 15:44:04
Re: ce gandesti acum - offtopic 43
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