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#1 2008-12-29 15:19:08

Sr. member
De la: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: 2008-02-14
Mesaje: 1276


A folosit careva Poppers? Cel mai cunoscut e RUSH.
As vrea sa aflu:
- care e momentul propice cand ar trebui inhalat?
- dupa ce interval poti inhala a doua oara?
- ce efecte adverse are? (teoretic le stiu... dar vreau sa stiu daca apar si cat de des)?
- unde il gasesc? (am inteles ca pe la SexShop-uri. Asa e?)

Pentru cine nu e in tema:

Unele sunt vandute ca "hardware-head cleaner", altele ca "leather cleaner"...


Inhaling nitrites relaxes smooth muscles throughout the body, including the sphincter muscles of the anus and the vagina.[5] Smooth muscle surrounds the body's blood vessels and when relaxed causes these vessels to dilate resulting in an immediate increase in heart rate and blood flow throughout the body, producing a sensation of heat and excitement that usually lasts for a couple of minutes.[8]

Alkyl nitrites are often used as a club drug or to enhance a sexual experience.[6] The head rush, euphoria, and other sensations that result from the increased heart rate are often felt to increase sexual arousal and desire.[6] At the same time, the relaxation of the sphincters of the anus and vagina can make penetration easier. [9] It is widely reported that poppers can enhance and prolong orgasms.[2]

While anecdotal evidence reveals that both men and women can find the experience of using poppers pleasurable, this experience is not universal;[10] some men report that poppers can cause short-term erectile problems.[2]
In a 2006 article published in London's The Independent titled "Drugs: the real deal", it was revealed that the first ranking based upon scientific evidence of harm to both individuals and society, devised by British-government advisers, showed that "Poppers" pose little potential harm to individuals or to society. [35] [36]"

Poppers"... What are they?

1. "Poppers" is the street term used for nearly 50 years to describe the misuse of any alkyl nitrite (including amyl nitrite, isobutyl nitrite and butyl nitrite) as inhalants for recreational purposes.

2. Although "Poppers" have only recently come to the public attention, alkyl nitrites have been inhaled for over one hundred years. They have had a long and well-documented history of public safety. This record is strongly reinforced by the fact that during the past 35 years a very high probability has existed that a large percentage of all nitrite odorants sold were misused as "poppers".

Are They Really Safe?

1. Anti-"popper" individuals suggest "poppers" are unsafe because they are not regulated by any government agency. This is simply not true. Of the compounds most commonly used as "poppers", amyl nitrite is regulated by the FDA and nitrite-based room odorizers are regulated by the Consumer Product Safety Commission. Within the past few years, the CPSC has twice been asked to restrict isobutyl nitrite products and has twice, after thorough investigation, decided that the safety record of these products did not indicate that such action was necessary. Although responsible nitrite odorant manufacturers have never encouraged or promoted the misuse of their nitrite odorants as "poppers", they have long recognized the high probability of such misuse. They, therefore, have shared a deep concern and responsibility toward each responsible adult user of these products. (in much the same manner that responsible children's crayon manufacturers recognize that their crayons will be eaten and thus assure that they are safely edible.)

2. A review of the literature clearly shows that inhalation of the alkyl nitrites poses no significant health hazard. … itrites_s/

Ultima oara a fost editat de Leo (2008-12-29 15:38:30)



#2 2008-12-29 16:53:20

Addicted member
Inregistrat: 2008-09-17
Mesaje: 10759

Re: Poppers … e.tpl.html … -19-2.html
mie mi-ar fi teama sa folosesc ca am citit reactiile adverse, dar na fiecare face ce vrea smile
ti-am dat linkurile de mai sus pt ca poti comanda...
dar cred ca gasesti si in sex shopuri



#3 2008-12-29 19:46:37

Sr. member
De la: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: 2008-02-14
Mesaje: 1276

Re: Poppers

Mersi, andru. E bine ca Erotica au si in magazinul Titan, aici langa mine.

Credeam ca a folosit cineva... sad



#4 2008-12-29 19:53:34

Addicted member
Inregistrat: 2008-09-17
Mesaje: 10759

Re: Poppers

cu placere....mai asteapta pareri poate o fi folosit cineva...daca nu ne spui tu cum a fost smile



#5 2008-12-29 23:35:22

Inregistrat: 2008-12-29
Mesaje: 2

Re: Poppers

buna ! sunt noua pe vroiam sa iti rasp numit si "drogul gay'lor"... vroiam sa iti zic ca am incercat...e adevarat ca relaxeaza muschii si creste apetitul sexual...
dar senzatia tine cred ca maxim 5 minute. Eu zic ca in timpul preludiului  e perfect. Si intervalul de inhalare poate fi si de cateva  minute nu e problema:) Numai ai grija cu efectele secundare. Pe mine ma durea capul dupa ce inhalam. Ah si mirosul lui nu e unul foarte placut!
So have fun, dar mai intai documenteaza-te:D

Da-i senzatia ca-l iubesti doar pentru acum si-l vei pastra pentru totdeauna.hjarta





#6 2008-12-30 00:41:19

Sr. member
De la: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: 2008-02-14
Mesaje: 1276

Re: Poppers

Lady_giash a scris:

buna ! sunt noua pe vroiam sa iti rasp numit si "drogul gay'lor"... vroiam sa iti zic ca am incercat...e adevarat ca relaxeaza muschii si creste apetitul sexual...
dar senzatia tine cred ca maxim 5 minute. Eu zic ca in timpul preludiului  e perfect. Si intervalul de inhalare poate fi si de cateva  minute nu e problema:) Numai ai grija cu efectele secundare. Pe mine ma durea capul dupa ce inhalam. Ah si mirosul lui nu e unul foarte placut!
So have fun, dar mai intai documenteaza-te:D

Mersi frumos. Citesc de vreo 2 zile despre... Gay-i inteleg de ce-l iau: s-o ia mai usor la poponeata. Am inteles si ca inhalat de baiat (straisght lol ) ar provoca niste impotenta de moment. 
Si? Ti-a crescut apetitul? E adevarat ca exacerbeaza simturile? Te simti mai bine cand faci sex daca inhalezi "Rush"?



#7 2008-12-30 12:36:02

Inregistrat: 2008-12-29
Mesaje: 2

Re: Poppers

Dap creste apetitul. Eu zic ca si el poate sa il inhaleze pentru ca nu provoaca nici un fel de impotenta pe moment. Daca vreti sa incercati o senzatie noua incercati amandoi si tragi concluziile apoi:D Oricum chestia e foarte tare si o sa fiti amandoi ca o oala incinsa big_smile ...Deci astept sa-mi spui si parerea ta dupa ce ai incercat.
Ah si inca cva: daca in timpul asta ascultati si muzica voastra preferata va fi ceva si mai intens.wink

Da-i senzatia ca-l iubesti doar pentru acum si-l vei pastra pentru totdeauna.hjarta



#8 2008-12-30 18:30:46

Sr. member
De la: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: 2008-02-14
Mesaje: 1276

Re: Poppers

Lady_giash a scris:

Ah si inca cva: daca in timpul asta ascultati si muzica voastra preferata va fi ceva si mai intens.wink

Rap ascultam amandoi lol Niste Common ar fi OK cred smile
Am cumparat un RUSH (dar e fake... dar ala a zis ca ei numai d-asta au avut si se vinde bine de tot). Revin cu rezultatele cand pot smile
Mersi frumos.



#9 2008-12-30 18:31:55

Addicted member
Inregistrat: 2008-09-17
Mesaje: 10759

Re: Poppers

leo dar va lipseste apetitul de apelezi la chestii de genul?



#10 2008-12-30 18:34:45

Diamond member
Inregistrat: 2006-11-21
Mesaje: 137398

Re: Poppers

oarecum  offtopic 
da' ceva care se poate strecura mai discret, in ciorba sa zicem big_smile sa nu stie omul ce l-a lovit, exista ?



#11 2008-12-30 18:37:03

Addicted member
Inregistrat: 2008-09-17
Mesaje: 10759

Re: Poppers




#12 2008-12-30 18:38:53

Addicted member
Inregistrat: 2007-04-20
Mesaje: 10295

Re: Poppers

Leo, neaparat sa ne spui cum a iesit. Mie Poppers asta imi suna a ciuperci sacre. smile



#13 2008-12-30 18:40:31

Diamond member
Inregistrat: 2006-11-21
Mesaje: 137398

Re: Poppers

No, acuma fiecare cu ce-l doare tongue



#14 2008-12-30 18:44:07

Addicted member
Inregistrat: 2008-09-17
Mesaje: 10759

Re: Poppers … p-110.html
o lingurita in putina apa...tu ii pui in ciorba lol



#15 2008-12-30 18:45:59

Diamond member
Inregistrat: 2006-11-21
Mesaje: 137398

Re: Poppers

"extract din scoarta copacului de potenta (muira puama TM=D1)" rotfl  I see
mersi, andru, sper totusi sa nu se ajunga la gesturi disperate smile



#16 2008-12-30 18:50:22

Addicted member
Inregistrat: 2008-09-17
Mesaje: 10759



#17 2008-12-30 18:52:32

Addicted member
Inregistrat: 2007-04-20
Mesaje: 10295

Re: Poppers

rotfl "se amesteca in bautura si EL devine pasional si nerabdator" Nu mai terminati nici ciorba. lol

Ultima oara a fost editat de ET (2008-12-30 18:53:46)



#18 2009-01-22 14:32:58

Inregistrat: 2009-01-22
Mesaje: 1

Re: Poppers


Ultima oara a fost editat de aktt (2009-01-22 14:37:11)



#19 2009-01-22 14:58:16

Inregistrat: 2007-12-08
Mesaje: 37788

Re: Poppers

aktt ai ban 1 zi pt reclama.





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