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Ce gandesti acum/ un topic offtopic 53-104#1958 2009-01-11 22:54:38
Re: Ce gandesti acum/ un topic offtopic 53myku Offline #1959 2009-01-11 22:54:50
Re: Ce gandesti acum/ un topic offtopic 53
nu pot Offline #1960 2009-01-11 22:55:14
Re: Ce gandesti acum/ un topic offtopic 53One I am who I am and I choose to be me! He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog / You are his life, his love, his leader He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart / You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion! Offline #1961 2009-01-11 22:56:30
Re: Ce gandesti acum/ un topic offtopic 53lucia They can because they think they can. Offline #1962 2009-01-11 22:56:57Publicitateloading...
#1963 2009-01-11 22:56:59
Re: Ce gandesti acum/ un topic offtopic 53daca e vreo moderatoare pe aici....un ban pentru Love pana maine se poate? sa invete si ea pentru examen I am who I am and I choose to be me! He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog / You are his life, his love, his leader He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart / You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion! Offline #1964 2009-01-11 22:57:32
Re: Ce gandesti acum/ un topic offtopic 53skumpi v-ati impacaat?? They can because they think they can. Offline #1965 2009-01-11 22:58:37
Re: Ce gandesti acum/ un topic offtopic 53
ma kinui sa invat. Sa nu te astepti sa te salut! Offline #1966 2009-01-11 23:00:11Re: Ce gandesti acum/ un topic offtopic 53
Cred si eu ca te simti wanted in situatia asta depinde acum daca iti place sa fii persoana dominanta intr-o relatie sau nu. Mie mi s-a acrit la ultima relatie sa subjug intr-un fel sau altul si m-am detasat mult de el asa, de la sine. Imi place sa ma impun, dar am nevoie si de cineva care sa se ridice la acelasi nivel si sa-mi tina piept (macar din cand in cand ). Asta din prezent face ce vrea cu mine, am rezolvat-o de am rupt-o Offline #1967 2009-01-11 23:00:42
Re: Ce gandesti acum/ un topic offtopic 53eu fac un proiect Offline #1968 2009-01-11 23:02:31
Re: Ce gandesti acum/ un topic offtopic 53dak nu e vb de hepatite,pancreatite,ischemii cardiace,ciroze hepatice etc nu te pot ajuta..oau..e bn k am retinut macar titlurile Sa nu te astepti sa te salut! Offline #1969 2009-01-11 23:02:40
Re: Ce gandesti acum/ un topic offtopic 53"Nu inţeleg cum o femeie poate ieşi din casă nearanjată - e o lipsă de politeţe. Şi nu poţi şti niciodată, poate chiar aceea este ziua in care-ţi intalneşti destinul. Iar in faţa destinului trebuie să apari cit poţi tu de frumoasă." Coco Chanel roccolino http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uyLU3qQw … re=related Offline #1970 2009-01-11 23:03:08
Re: Ce gandesti acum/ un topic offtopic 53buna seara dragelor Mamica de strumfulet... 19 iulie 2013 Offline #1971 2009-01-11 23:03:44
Re: Ce gandesti acum/ un topic offtopic 53
They can because they think they can. Offline #1972 2009-01-11 23:04:06
Re: Ce gandesti acum/ un topic offtopic 53bravo, myku! baga tare la invatat! tu esti la medicina? I am who I am and I choose to be me! He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog / You are his life, his love, his leader He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart / You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion! Offline #1973 2009-01-11 23:04:46
Re: Ce gandesti acum/ un topic offtopic 53nu lucia..as fi vrut eu da imi lipseste "vana" k sa zic asa Sa nu te astepti sa te salut! Offline #1974 2009-01-11 23:05:06
Re: Ce gandesti acum/ un topic offtopic 53buna Danae I am who I am and I choose to be me! He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog / You are his life, his love, his leader He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart / You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion! Offline #1975 2009-01-11 23:05:48
Re: Ce gandesti acum/ un topic offtopic 53desi vineri am taiat un soricel semana cu stuart little.. Sa nu te astepti sa te salut! Offline #1976 2009-01-11 23:05:50
Re: Ce gandesti acum/ un topic offtopic 53 lucia Mamica de strumfulet... 19 iulie 2013 Offline © Anticonceptionale.ro. Reproducerea integrala sau partiala a textelor sau a fotografiilor din oricare pagina a site-ului anticonceptionale.ro va fi posibila numai cu acordul nostru scris. |