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Ce gandesti acum - un topic unde poti fi offtopic 56-27#495 2009-01-22 12:59:53
Re: Ce gandesti acum - un topic unde poti fi offtopic 56
sure Offline #496 2009-01-22 13:00:41
Re: Ce gandesti acum - un topic unde poti fi offtopic 56biggirl, ia vezi sa nu aiba si asta optiune de setare a vitezei de descarcare cum are vuze ( azureus ) si poate e limitata de acolo ca altfel nu se explica daca ai seed-uri multe I am who I am and I choose to be me! He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog / You are his life, his love, his leader He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart / You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion! Offline #497 2009-01-22 13:04:55
Re: Ce gandesti acum - un topic unde poti fi offtopic 56Care ati vazut "Zeitgeist" si cu ce impresie ati ramas? Offline #498 2009-01-22 13:05:46
Re: Ce gandesti acum - un topic unde poti fi offtopic 56
anul 2, psihologie judiciara, prof tudorel butoi. materie care mi-a placut la nebunie, stiam cursurile si cartea ca pe Tatal Nostru. examen 3 subiecte si le fac. se afiseaza notele : 4 :f?rv?nad: ma duc la secretariat sa fac contestatie si dau fix peste prof si il intreb de ce mi-a dat 4. raspuns: a fost lucrarea prea buna sa nu fie copiata!!! :f?rbannad: i-am spus: intrebati-ma acum tot ce vreti si sa vedeti ca stiu...degeaba! si eram si prieteni, adica eram printre studentii lui favoriti...am lasat balta si contestatia si de nervi am dat tocmai la rr-uri. am luat 9 atunci si nu intelegea de ce nu luasem examenul mai devreme si i-am spus ce magarie a facut si i-am spus ca de atunci ( februarie ) pana la momentul ala ( octombrie ) nici nu am mai deschis cursurile I am who I am and I choose to be me! He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog / You are his life, his love, his leader He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart / You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion! Offline #499 2009-01-22 13:06:26
Re: Ce gandesti acum - un topic unde poti fi offtopic 56
pe mine m-a plictisit si m-a enervat ca s-a luat de religie I am who I am and I choose to be me! He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog / You are his life, his love, his leader He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart / You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion! Offline Publicitateloading...
#500 2009-01-22 13:07:52
Re: Ce gandesti acum - un topic unde poti fi offtopic 56Eu inca nu l-am vazut si nu m-am hotarat daca sa-mi pierd vremea sau nu, am vazut cateva secvente... Offline #501 2009-01-22 13:07:54
Re: Ce gandesti acum - un topic unde poti fi offtopic 56neatsa... baby Dragos Offline #502 2009-01-22 13:08:45
Re: Ce gandesti acum - un topic unde poti fi offtopic 56
asta-i boala mamelor, love. "I am the Lizard King, I can do anything."- Jim Morrison Offline #503 2009-01-22 13:09:15
Re: Ce gandesti acum - un topic unde poti fi offtopic 56
lasa-ma sa am ceva in care sa cred fara sa cercetez..... I am who I am and I choose to be me! He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog / You are his life, his love, his leader He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart / You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion! Offline #504 2009-01-22 13:09:15
Re: Ce gandesti acum - un topic unde poti fi offtopic 56
Chiar buna dupa-amiaza! Offline #505 2009-01-22 13:11:31
Re: Ce gandesti acum - un topic unde poti fi offtopic 56
:f?rbryllad: Vorba celor de la Discovery "Question everything" Offline #506 2009-01-22 13:11:36
Re: Ce gandesti acum - un topic unde poti fi offtopic 56
am vazut o parte. mi s-a parut atat de interesant, incat am adormit "I am the Lizard King, I can do anything."- Jim Morrison Offline #507 2009-01-22 13:12:09
Re: Ce gandesti acum - un topic unde poti fi offtopic 56ar fi cazul sa ma apuc si eu de invatat http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mwMdO3HK_ws our song em todas as ruas do amor seras meu e eu serei tua http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DDuLPHsIuTg Offline #508 2009-01-22 13:15:00
Re: Ce gandesti acum - un topic unde poti fi offtopic 56
daa pai de-aia radeam si io' ...sunt la serviciu de la 8 jumate' da uite ca acum "m-am trezit" abia baby Dragos Offline #509 2009-01-22 13:18:09
Re: Ce gandesti acum - un topic unde poti fi offtopic 56
aha Offline #510 2009-01-22 13:20:50
Re: Ce gandesti acum - un topic unde poti fi offtopic 56helloouuu...ce faceti ? ..be the best ...fuck the rest )) Offline #511 2009-01-22 13:26:40
Re: Ce gandesti acum - un topic unde poti fi offtopic 56hello! Indragostita de bebe Razvan si de tatic de bebe Razvan ♥ 2 ani+ ♥ No matter how you feel. Get up, dress up, show up, and NEVER give up Offline #512 2009-01-22 13:29:15
Re: Ce gandesti acum - un topic unde poti fi offtopic 56feteleeee... vreau sa`mi schimb masina Offline #513 2009-01-22 13:29:41
Re: Ce gandesti acum - un topic unde poti fi offtopic 56lucia, nu are o viteza anume..incepe de la cativa Kb si ajunge la sute...dar la Mb nu a ajuns deloc pana aqm...nush..oriqm, ms http://olx.ro/oferte/user/jF0h/ What are you going to do with this time? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BOksW_NabEk Offline © Anticonceptionale.ro. Reproducerea integrala sau partiala a textelor sau a fotografiilor din oricare pagina a site-ului anticonceptionale.ro va fi posibila numai cu acordul nostru scris. |