Slabe sperante,dar e oare posibil sa fie sarcina?
- aditza27
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- Inregistrat: 2010-06-28
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slabe sperante,dar e oare posibil sa fie sarcina?
Buna fetelor, e prima oara cand scriu pe un forum. Am intrat aici sperand ca gasesc pe cineva care a trecut prin ceva asemanator si ma poate scoate din ceatza Eu si sotul ne dorim foarte mult un bb, din pacate prima mea sarcina a fost incheiata la 6 luni din cauza unor probleme medicale, in ianuarie anul aceasta. De atunci ne-am protejat, tocmai sa lasam sa treaca ceva timp, sa ne revenim psihic. Singura daca cand nu ne-am protejat a fost luna trecuta, imediat dupa ciclu, insa si atunci a fost pe 'feritea'. Problema e ca luna asta imi intarzie menstruatia de 2 sapt, ceea ce nu mi s-a intamplat absolut niciodata. Am facut 2 teste acasa,unul la 8 zile, celalalt la 12 zile de intarziere. De vreo 4 zile simt usoare dureri la ovare, nu ca durerea de ciclu, mai degraba ca niste intepaturi sau usoare arsuri din cand in cand(e greu de descris exact senzatia), mi s-a intarit putin burta, am niste ameteli in special daca ma aplec sau cand ma ridic si secretii ceva mai multe decat de obicei. Am fost la medicul de familie azi (sunt in Anglia) iesit asa cum am m-a lamurit cu nimic. A zis ca poate intarzia menstruatia de la stres ( dar atunci de unde usoarele dureri la ovare ma intreb???), dar sa repet testul si peste 1 sapt sau cine sunt intotdeauna 100% sigure . Voi ce credeti? A mai trecut cineva prin ceva asemanator?? Ma termina nesiguranta si asteptarea asta.
- IceBody
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Re: slabe sperante,dar e oare posibil sa fie sarcina?
daca a fost imediat dupa ciclu,eu cred ca nu esti insarcinata.mai ales daca testele au iesit negative.
Dear Cupid,next time hit both !
- aditza27
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- Inregistrat: 2010-06-28
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Re: slabe sperante,dar e oare posibil sa fie sarcina?
Si eu ma gandeam la fel, insa ceva se intampla sigur, dar nu stiu ce ar putea sa insemne simptomele mele... plus ca am si citit tot felul de povesti pe net cu teste fals-negative pana in luna a 3-a sau mai incolo
- persifona
- Vizitator
Re: slabe sperante,dar e oare posibil sa fie sarcina?
Aditza, nu se poate sa ai teste negative pana in luna a treia, poate contactul in urma caruia s-a instalat sarcina a fost unul mai tarziu, dar nu se poate ca timp de 3 luni sa nu se vada nimic la un test. Daca ai facut testul la 12 zile de intarziere si a fost negativ atunci nu e sarcina, intarzie probabil din alte motive. Si da, stresul poate fi unul dintre ele
- aditza27
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- Inregistrat: 2010-06-28
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Re: slabe sperante,dar e oare posibil sa fie sarcina?
Fetelor, nu zic ca ar fi cazul meu, insa exista tot felul de cazuri ciudate pe lumea asta, greu de explicat si de crezut........hai sa va sochez si pe voi putin V-am citat de pe un forum al site-ului
Karen - October 19th, 2004 2:31 PM
Me too! I am 20 DPO and had a blood test yesterday that was negative, but if I'm not pregnant, then something is seriously wrong!
The nurse taking my blood told me she had repeated negative blood tests with her first pregnancy until FIVE months, when they finally confirmed it. My best friend never could get a positive HPT but had a healthy baby. I myself have had periods before during my two pregnancies (one daughter, now 2; one m/c). I had a period last week that was very strange; heavy for the first day, then light and sporadic and much shorter than normal. Ever since, I've had that dull achy bloated feeling like AF is about to start, but of course, it's not. The only other times I've had these symptoms at the "wrong" time of the month was during pregnancy. I am seeing an RE and just completed a cycle of injectibles plus HCG, so I am positive of when I ovulated.
My question: has anyone experienced all three of these things -- a period, a negative HPT and a negative blood test -- but still ended up being pregnant?
vickie - November 4th, 2004 11:48 PM
I don?t know if this will help but when I was preg with my son I didn?t find out until I was about 4 mths preg. I had periods for the first 3 mths and 3 neg urine test and 2 neg urine test at the doc?s. I spread the test out over the 3 mths. I knew I was preg I felt it in my body and the only symptoms I had was tiredness and nauseas which turned into vomiting after my positive preg test.
Trust Your Instincts!!!! - December 7th, 2004 1:23 AM
After many many preggo symptoms for 2-3 months...After at least 5 negative hpt and 1 negative blood test....after irregularly short but normal flow periods for two months.....I ACCIDENTLY FOUND OUT TWO DAYS AGO I AM PREGNANT!!!!!!! (Long story) Now I just gotta find out how far along....all I know is--I can't fit into any of my dayum pants anymore--I'm thinking I could be 3 months along!!!!! I even have a bulge above my pelvic bone!!! (Thought I was going crazy and just getting fat)!!!!! Keep ya'll updated!!
- aditza27
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- Inregistrat: 2010-06-28
- Mesaje: 7
Re: slabe sperante,dar e oare posibil sa fie sarcina?
Asta e cel mai tare
To Smart - February 18th, 2005 10:39 PM
I am a woman that has had 2 children within the last 3 years and with BOTH of them I didn't get a positive until I missed 4 ( yes count them 4 periods).Which means I was way more than 30 or 40 Days late with both of my kids. My mom didn't get a positive with me until she was 13 weeks. Every woman's body is different ladies. reply
- aditza27
- New member
- Inregistrat: 2010-06-28
- Mesaje: 7
Re: slabe sperante,dar e oare posibil sa fie sarcina?
- camysh
- Moderator
- Inregistrat: 2007-12-08
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Re: slabe sperante,dar e oare posibil sa fie sarcina?
testul iese pozitiv DOAR daca e sarcina.. ce test ai facut? liniuta a aparut in minutele in care trebuia sau mai tarziu? intreb pt ca la testul Barza apare a doua liniuta cand se usuca testul chiar daca nu e sarcina... deci se ia in considerare doar ce se vede in minutele indicate pe prospect
- gargarita
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- Inregistrat: 2008-01-27
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Re: slabe sperante,dar e oare posibil sa fie sarcina?
aditza, ce test ai facut? cred ca te duci prea repede la medic...
- aditza27
- New member
- Inregistrat: 2010-06-28
- Mesaje: 7
Re: slabe sperante,dar e oare posibil sa fie sarcina?
camysh a scris:testul iese pozitiv DOAR daca e sarcina.. ce test ai facut? liniuta a aparut in minutele in care trebuia sau mai tarziu? intreb pt ca la testul Barza apare a doua liniuta cand se usuca testul chiar daca nu e sarcina... deci se ia in considerare doar ce se vede in minutele indicate pe prospect
Sunt in Anglia, iar marca testului e una locala. Liniutza a aparut la vreo 2-3 minute dupa ce am facut testul, adica in timpul indicat de ei. Deci, sa sper la o sarcina, chiar daca testul s-a pozitivat asa tarziu, adica la 3 sapt de intarziere a menstruatiei?
Ultima oara a fost editat de aditza27 (2010-07-05 20:11:38)
- aditza27
- New member
- Inregistrat: 2010-06-28
- Mesaje: 7
Re: slabe sperante,dar e oare posibil sa fie sarcina?
- gargarita
- Moderator
- Inregistrat: 2008-01-27
- Mesaje: 28737
Re: slabe sperante,dar e oare posibil sa fie sarcina?
mai fa un first response, e foarte bun. te asteptam cu vesti
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