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Gusturi in functie de alimentatie ?

#1 2010-10-01 15:26:44

Sr. member
De la: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: 2009-12-10
Mesaje: 1151

gusturi in functie de alimentatie ?

La care feluri de mancare alimente legume fructe sau bauturi are sperma un miros mai placut si aspect ? cand anume ati observat ? si din cele care au testat , gustul se schimba in functie de alimentatie ? are o influenta asupra acestui lucru ? ce alimente face sperma mai buna ca si consistenta miros culoare si gust . astea din punctul de vedere al celor care au observat si au testat . V`as ruga sa stati on topic si sa se vb strict despre acest lucru .

Written in the stars ...



#2 2010-10-01 15:38:16

Inregistrat: 2010-03-22
Mesaje: 5717

Re: gusturi in functie de alimentatie ?

i don't smoke big_smile. i don't drink. i eat. ce mi'ar influenta toate de mai sus? din cele care au gustat sau testat stie cineva?

Imperfect man in a perfect world. Why do i even exist?
Cand pun ochiul in luneta curat tot de pe planeta.



#3 2010-10-01 16:44:09

Platinum member
De la: BV
Inregistrat: 2010-05-29
Mesaje: 20629

Re: gusturi in functie de alimentatie ?

Evident ca alimentatia influenteaza gustul respectiv.. dar si calitatea. asta stiu sigur

Success is simple. Do what's right, the right way, at the right time.



#4 2010-10-01 17:30:18

V's bunny
Full member
Inregistrat: 2009-05-03
Mesaje: 618

Re: gusturi in functie de alimentatie ?

Kiwi-ul schimba gustul spermei. din cate stiu eu. Cei interesati, sa manance un kiwi pe zi big_smile Mie faza cu gustul spermei mi se pare putin aiurea, ma gandesc ca nu prea stai s-o "savurezi"  lol



#5 2010-10-01 18:56:09

Hero member
Inregistrat: 2010-02-16
Mesaje: 2906

Re: gusturi in functie de alimentatie ?

daca are gust de kiwi iti  mai vine s`o savurezi lol
joke tongue

If you take it personal, that's ok! wink





#6 2010-10-01 19:00:46

Sr. member
De la: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: 2009-12-10
Mesaje: 1151

Re: gusturi in functie de alimentatie ?

ce avem diseara la cina sexuala ? rotfl2 suc natural de kiwi rotfl2

Written in the stars ...



#7 2010-10-01 19:03:10

Hero member
Inregistrat: 2010-02-16
Mesaje: 2906

Re: gusturi in functie de alimentatie ?

ar fi o chestie: cum s`au inventat prez. cu diferite arome, sa se inventeze pastilute care sa schimbe gustul spermei .. in capsuni, ciocolata, fructe exotice.. sau chiar pizza rotfl2 :-?

If you take it personal, that's ok! wink



#8 2010-10-01 19:42:30

Inregistrat: 2010-03-22
Mesaje: 5717

Re: gusturi in functie de alimentatie ?

c'mon. stay on topic please. unii chiar sunt interesati.

Imperfect man in a perfect world. Why do i even exist?
Cand pun ochiul in luneta curat tot de pe planeta.



#9 2010-10-01 21:06:11

Sr. member
Inregistrat: 2010-04-22
Mesaje: 1281

Re: gusturi in functie de alimentatie ?

vanilleeis a scris:

ar fi o chestie: cum s`au inventat prez. cu diferite arome, sa se inventeze pastilute care sa schimbe gustul spermei .. in capsuni, ciocolata, fructe exotice.. sau chiar pizza rotfl2 :-?

ce-as mai slabii, altceva nu as mai manca  rotfl  rotfl2

Exista doua moduri de a-ti trai viata:ca si cum nu ar exista miracole sau ca si cum totul ar fi un miracol.(albert einstein)



#10 2010-10-01 21:11:29

Hero member
Inregistrat: 2006-11-02
Mesaje: 2053

Re: gusturi in functie de alimentatie ?

e in engelza , eu nu am timp sa -l traduc ....
Here then are 10 simple do's and don'ts to improve the taste of your sperm and make your semen taste better and sweeter:

1. Cut out alcohol, caffeine, recreational drugs and nicotine- they're all pollutants.

2. Drink lots of water 1 - 2 liters a day to flush out body toxins.

3. Fruit get plenty each day and sweeten your sperm taste
Pineapple, papaya cranberry, melons, mangos, apples grapes are all good choices. These fruits are high in natural sugars and offset the bitter taste.

4. Eat plenty of vegetables which are generally good for improving sperm taste.

5. While it is true vegetarians generally have better tasting sperm there are vegetables to avoid:

Any vegetables from the cabbage family big offenders also include Cauliflower, broccoli, or asparagus:

5. Cut red meat consumption this is one pf the main offenders when it comes to making sperm taste salty. Dairy produce such as milk and cheese also make sperm taste salty.
Make sure when you eat protein you get good quality lean protein such as chicken and turkey.

Fish is claimed by some to be an offender in terms of taste, but this seems to vary between individuals. Try it and see the affects before cutting it out, fish is a major part of a healthy diet, so don't cut it out!

6. Avoid heavy spices such as Garlic and onions, they're big offenders when it comes to sperm taste, as they have a high sulfur content.

7. Do not buy products that claim to make your semen taste better there is no evidence that they work.
Your semen can be made to taste better by overall changes in diet and lifestyle, it's a complex formula and a good healthy diet has the biggest affect.

8. Parsley, wheatgrass, and celery are particularly recommended for sweeter semen taste, because of their high chlorophyll content.

9. Cinnamon, cardamom, peppermint and lemon are particularly recommended for making semen taste sweeter.

10. Avoid junk food, they're loaded with chemicals and preservatives that pollute your body and your semen's taste.

si pastile dati pe google Sweet Release (au gust de mar verde)

Ultima oara a fost editat de ?! (2010-10-01 21:15:31)



#11 2010-10-01 21:17:31

Inregistrat: 2010-03-22
Mesaje: 5717

Re: gusturi in functie de alimentatie ?

wow. thank you

Imperfect man in a perfect world. Why do i even exist?
Cand pun ochiul in luneta curat tot de pe planeta.



#12 2010-10-01 22:21:04

Insomniac member
De la: ei
Inregistrat: 2008-03-19
Mesaje: 7980

Re: gusturi in functie de alimentatie ?

V's bunny a scris:

Mie faza cu gustul spermei mi se pare putin aiurea, ma gandesc ca nu prea stai s-o "savurezi"  :))

Subscriu. In putinele dati cand am inghit, ultimul lucru la care m-am gandit a fost aroma sau ce o fi mancat el in ziua respectiva :))
Si oricum se intampla f repede   :-??

Everything will be ok in the end.
If it's not ok, it's not the end.



#13 2010-10-02 10:46:19

Inregistrat: 2007-09-04
Mesaje: 18077

Re: gusturi in functie de alimentatie ?

Mie mi se pare ca are aceeasi consistenta si "aroma" indiferent de ce schimbari face in alimentatie... la gust nu ma pronunt, ca nu am "probat-o", in schimb lichidul pre- are mereu acelasi gust/miros.

daca vrei sa mori sanatos, trebuie sa mori de foame.



#14 2010-10-02 11:36:25

Full member
De la: House of pain
Inregistrat: 2007-01-06
Mesaje: 545

Re: gusturi in functie de alimentatie ?

Deci al meu de cand nu mai fumeaza...are alt gust si e mai putin acida. Altfel nu stiu ce sa zic ca rar inghit...

Failure teaches Success!



#15 2010-10-02 13:50:02

Platinum member
De la: BV
Inregistrat: 2010-05-29
Mesaje: 20629

Re: gusturi in functie de alimentatie ?

fumatul cica dauneaza calitatii spermei.. scrie si pe unele pachete de tigari

Success is simple. Do what's right, the right way, at the right time.



#16 2010-10-02 21:11:19

Full member
De la: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: 2010-06-16
Mesaje: 159

Re: gusturi in functie de alimentatie ?

sperma mea are gust de cola big_smile

gONE aFTER pUSSY'es! ٩(̾●̮̮̃̾•̃̾)



#17 2010-10-02 21:22:25

Addicted member
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Mesaje: 11157

Re: gusturi in functie de alimentatie ?

calitatii da, adica vietii/"agilitatii"/"vioiciunii" alora mici din ea. dar la gust eu nu am sesizat nici o schimbare. al meu e fumator inrait de vreun an, dar gustul nu i s-a schimbat deloc de la tigari.
inainte bea si 3L de cola pe zi, avea un gust dulceag, de spuma de capsuni  lol culmea ca eu detest spuma de capsuni lol dar tot pastra o tenta sarata pe parcurs lichidul pre- . acum ca s-a lasat de cola, cam tot asa a ramas.

se zice ca si de la alcool, mai ales bere si vodca, se modifica mult gustul, devine amar. eu sincer nu am detectat nici o modificare, indiferent de ce mananca sau bea.

Sigh no more, ladies, sigh nor more; / Men were deceivers ever; / One foot in sea and one on shore, / To one thing constant never; / The fraud of men was ever so, / Since summer first was leavy. / Then sigh not so, / But let them go, / And be you blithe and bonny



#18 2010-10-02 23:13:19

Hero member
Inregistrat: 2009-02-26
Mesaje: 2153

Re: gusturi in functie de alimentatie ?

Andyno a scris:

sperma mea are gust de cola big_smile

ai gustat?  spranceana



#19 2010-10-03 15:48:20

De la: Where the wild roses grow.
Inregistrat: 2009-08-21
Mesaje: 17999

Re: gusturi in functie de alimentatie ?

Nu, i-a spus iubita rotfl2

Ultima oara a fost editat de QueenOfRoses (2010-10-03 15:48:34)

"Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose." Lyndon B. Johnson





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