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Ce gandesti acum?-306

#5796 2007-09-08 16:46:37

Hero member
De la: Bucuresti-in mare parte:D
Inregistrat: 2007-02-26
Mesaje: 2193

Re: Ce gandesti acum?

fetelor eu ies.vorbim mai tarziu ca altfel nu scap de el.trebuie sa ii inchid gura. va pup pusspusspuss

Să dărui totul, să sacrifici totul fără speranţă de răsplată;asta inseamnă iubire.Albert Camus



#5797 2007-09-08 16:47:20

Insomniac member
Inregistrat: 2006-11-20
Mesaje: 6767

Re: Ce gandesti acum?

a murit acu 2 ani .... si imi pare rau de nam apucat multe ... a mei au divortat cu un an inainte sa moara el eu nu prea am vrut sa vb cu el ca il credeam vinovat acuma imi pare rau ...da nu prea mai am ce face ... pot sa zic ca lam urat atata vreme si acuma mi dor de el ...

it doesn`t matter if the guy is perfect or the girl is perfect as long as they are perfect for each other



#5798 2007-09-08 16:49:27

Platinum member
Inregistrat: 2006-11-25
Mesaje: 16986

Re: Ce gandesti acum?

sad stiu e naspa fara tata....stiu de la iubi meu ca nici el n-are tata de la 2 ani.n-are nicio amintire legata de el si sufera enorm.....

expect the worst , hope for the best!



#5799 2007-09-08 16:53:05

Insomniac member
Inregistrat: 2006-11-20
Mesaje: 6767

Re: Ce gandesti acum?

am amintitri de la el de tot felul ... imi pare rau numa ca sa terminat cam naspa ... si ca nu eram in relatii bune cu el atunci ... de multe ori ma simt vinovata ca nam facut nimic sa impiedic sa se termine asa ...
  f mult ma ajutat atunci prietenul meu .... si acuma cateodata ma mai apuca remuscarile si de fiecare data el ma linisteste ... nush ce mas fi facut fara el ...
    am in clasa multe colege care tot vin ca nul mai suporta pe taicaso si faze deastea cas prea duri ca nush ce ... si de fiecare data le zic ca sa nu fie cazu sa le fie dor de momentele astea ca atunci ii crunt

it doesn`t matter if the guy is perfect or the girl is perfect as long as they are perfect for each other



#5800 2007-09-08 16:53:26

Insomniac member
De la: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: 2007-06-30
Mesaje: 5558

Re: Ce gandesti acum?

tre sa schimb antibebele si nu stiu ce sa iau... iau yasmin dar nu mai imi convine k e cam scump... sad
ooooooooooofffffffffffff... iar raman fara banuti din cauza pastilelor...





#5801 2007-09-08 16:58:37

Sr. member
De la: ..a million miles away
Inregistrat: 2007-04-22
Mesaje: 1704

Re: Ce gandesti acum?

hug dida

I miss you,I miss your smile And I still shed a tear Every once in a while
And even though it's different now You're still here somehow
My heart won't let you go And I need you to know
I miss you... hjarta grater



#5802 2007-09-08 17:00:08

Platinum member
De la: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: 2006-12-26
Mesaje: 20471

Re: Ce gandesti acum?

hug hug hug dida! puss

6 ani de dragoste  hjarta



#5803 2007-09-08 17:02:45

Insomniac member
Inregistrat: 2006-11-20
Mesaje: 6767

Re: Ce gandesti acum?

ms fetele .... am avut un moment acuma cand am suspinat un pic ...  da imi trece ... puss
nam voie sa fiu suparata ca el imi zicea ca seman cu o vecina dea noastra cand plang si aia chiar era urata rau imi era frica de ea imi zicea ca daca mai plang ajung ca ea ... si cand imi venea sa plang imi zicea de tanti cati (asa o chema ) si ma inseninam rpd tongue deci acuma nam voie sa fiu suparata ca sa najung ca ea

it doesn`t matter if the guy is perfect or the girl is perfect as long as they are perfect for each other



#5804 2007-09-08 17:07:23

Insomniac member
Participant la intalnirea nationala
Inregistrat: 2007-04-26
Mesaje: 8836

Re: Ce gandesti acum?

imi e frik.......rauuuu grater

Reach for the stars ,so if you fall you land on a cloud... wink



#5805 2007-09-08 17:11:58

Insomniac member
Inregistrat: 2006-11-20
Mesaje: 6767

Re: Ce gandesti acum?

dc tie frica?

it doesn`t matter if the guy is perfect or the girl is perfect as long as they are perfect for each other



#5806 2007-09-08 17:25:42

Platinum member
Inregistrat: 2006-11-25
Mesaje: 16986

Re: Ce gandesti acum?

happy happy happy hapyy hapyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy si-a bagat iubie netttttttttt big_smilebig_smilebig_smileD:Dbig_smilebig_smilebig_smilebig_smilebig_smilebig_smilebig_smilebig_smilebig_smile mai pot de bucurie,imi vine sa sar in sus big_smilebig_smilebig_smilebig_smilebig_smile.are de pe telefon de la 17 la 9 dimineata big_smilebig_smilebig_smilebig_smilebig_smilebig_smilebig_smile o sa stam toata noaptea pe net big_smilebig_smilebig_smilebig_smile:

expect the worst , hope for the best!



#5807 2007-09-08 17:28:35

Insomniac member
Inregistrat: 2006-11-20
Mesaje: 6767

Re: Ce gandesti acum?

ma bucur pt tine oana tongue stiu cat tiai dorit puss

it doesn`t matter if the guy is perfect or the girl is perfect as long as they are perfect for each other



#5808 2007-09-08 17:28:50

Platinum member
Inregistrat: 2006-11-25
Mesaje: 16986

Re: Ce gandesti acum?

ms dida pusspusspuss

expect the worst , hope for the best!



#5809 2007-09-08 17:30:45


Re: Ce gandesti acum?

Acum am vazut la tv ca Basescu o sa fie tratat de medicul la care merg si eu la Buc smile


#5810 2007-09-08 17:51:05

Platinum member
De la: munte
Inregistrat: 2006-07-16
Mesaje: 24754

Re: Ce gandesti acum?

luna asta cred ca fac pauza de antibebe ... Ma duc sa ma uit la "Fantoma mea iubita"...iar bocesc de ma umflu tongue

Before I was a mom, I didn't know the feeling of having my heart outside my body
Maia Ecaterina 14.01.2014 hjarta



#5811 2007-09-08 17:51:31

Insomniac member
Participant la intalnirea nationala
Inregistrat: 2007-04-26
Mesaje: 8836

Re: Ce gandesti acum?

dida a scris:

dc tie frica?

sa raman singura in viata....
da mi'a trecut deocamdata....mi'am schimbat fata la forum...ce frumos e acum hjarta

Reach for the stars ,so if you fall you land on a cloud... wink



#5812 2007-09-08 17:55:16

Sr. member
De la: ..a million miles away
Inregistrat: 2007-04-22
Mesaje: 1704

Re: Ce gandesti acum?

am schimbat si eu big_smile

I miss you,I miss your smile And I still shed a tear Every once in a while
And even though it's different now You're still here somehow
My heart won't let you go And I need you to know
I miss you... hjarta grater



#5813 2007-09-08 17:58:21

Insomniac member
Participant la intalnirea nationala
Inregistrat: 2007-04-26
Mesaje: 8836

Re: Ce gandesti acum?

care care ?smile

Reach for the stars ,so if you fall you land on a cloud... wink



#5814 2007-09-08 18:01:24

Full member
Inregistrat: 2007-09-01
Mesaje: 514

Re: Ce gandesti acum?

ink mai ploua... si mie tot la iubi imi zboara gandul sad are telu inkis si nu stiu de ce?...





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