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Ce gandesti acum?-403

#7639 2007-09-22 18:41:56

Platinum member
De la: munte
Inregistrat: 2006-07-16
Mesaje: 24754

Re: Ce gandesti acum?

imi iau compul cu mine la buc big_smile Ceea ce inseamna ca o sa mai pot vorbi cu gajicile mele big_smile

Before I was a mom, I didn't know the feeling of having my heart outside my body
Maia Ecaterina 14.01.2014 hjarta



#7640 2007-09-22 18:46:53

Hero member
Inregistrat: 2007-06-04
Mesaje: 2205

Re: Ce gandesti acum?

oana_ a scris:

mitzili da sunt curioasa ,tu pe ce retea ai nr de tel? big_smile

Pai la zapp lucrez de un normal am tel de serviciu
dar asa am un ab la vodafone de vreo 4 ani si oricum nu -l schimb pt ca toata lumea imi stie numarul....dar asta nu inseamna k ma duc la vodafone sa cer incarcator pt telefon zapp.

You make me so hot, You make me wanna drop, It's so ridiculous, I can barely stop, I can hardly breathe, You make me wanna scream, You're so fabulous, You're so good to me, baby, baby



#7641 2007-09-22 18:47:37

Sr. member
De la: ..a million miles away
Inregistrat: 2007-04-22
Mesaje: 1704

Re: Ce gandesti acum?

azi implinim o luna lol

I miss you,I miss your smile And I still shed a tear Every once in a while
And even though it's different now You're still here somehow
My heart won't let you go And I need you to know
I miss you... hjarta grater



#7642 2007-09-22 18:48:14

Hero member
Inregistrat: 2007-06-04
Mesaje: 2205

Re: Ce gandesti acum?

la cat mai multe marissa

You make me so hot, You make me wanna drop, It's so ridiculous, I can barely stop, I can hardly breathe, You make me wanna scream, You're so fabulous, You're so good to me, baby, baby



#7643 2007-09-22 18:48:58

Sr. member
De la: ..a million miles away
Inregistrat: 2007-04-22
Mesaje: 1704

Re: Ce gandesti acum?

multumesc wink)

I miss you,I miss your smile And I still shed a tear Every once in a while
And even though it's different now You're still here somehow
My heart won't let you go And I need you to know
I miss you... hjarta grater





#7644 2007-09-22 18:56:48

Full member
Inregistrat: 2007-09-16
Mesaje: 342

Re: Ce gandesti acum?

mi-e somn... si mai sunt vreo 3 ore pana ma int cu ubyyyyy grater

You are the sunshine of my life..



#7645 2007-09-22 18:56:52

Hero member
Inregistrat: 2007-06-04
Mesaje: 2205

Re: Ce gandesti acum?

mai am 3 ore de stat la jobi; vine iubitu sa ma mergem acasicaaaa.....
si ne apucam de nebunii big_smile

You make me so hot, You make me wanna drop, It's so ridiculous, I can barely stop, I can hardly breathe, You make me wanna scream, You're so fabulous, You're so good to me, baby, baby



#7646 2007-09-22 18:58:06

Platinum member
Inregistrat: 2006-11-25
Mesaje: 16986

Re: Ce gandesti acum?

parca vad ca nu putem vb in seara asta :-w

expect the worst , hope for the best!



#7647 2007-09-22 19:00:04

Hero member
De la: craiova
Inregistrat: 2007-08-16
Mesaje: 2756

Re: Ce gandesti acum?

eu si sunt varza:da am facut niste macaroane cu branza:)oare ies bune,,:)pfuu am emotii:S

take me as i am or watch me as i go!



#7648 2007-09-22 19:03:13

Diamond member
De la: Craiova
Inregistrat: 2006-10-06
Mesaje: 33434

Re: Ce gandesti acum?

Eu astazi am spalat toata ziua.E a3-a masina pe care o bag.
Incep sa imi fac bagajele...

Indragostita de bebe Razvan si de tatic de bebe Razvan ♥ 2 ani+ ♥
No matter how you feel. Get up, dress up, show up, and NEVER give up



#7649 2007-09-22 19:05:22

Full member
De la: bacau
Inregistrat: 2007-07-25
Mesaje: 570

Re: Ce gandesti acum?

si iar stau sambata si duminica singurica ca e schimbul 2neutral....greu tare cu serviciul asta



#7650 2007-09-22 19:34:54

Platinum member
De la: BearLand
Inregistrat: 2006-11-30
Mesaje: 15319

Re: Ce gandesti acum?

Azi nu m-am gandi deloc la el smile . Incet incet o sa-l uit fara sa sufar deloc... Sunt mandra de mine big_smile . Data trecuta am suferit 6 luni dupa despartire...

patfierbinte      sjuk     
mamica de Davidut si Anna-baba hjarta hjarta hjarta



#7651 2007-09-22 19:37:39

Addicted member
Participant la intalnirea nationala
De la: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: 2006-01-14
Mesaje: 14580

Re: Ce gandesti acum?

Ce momente de vis iti poate oferi o persoana..
Azi am trait niste clipe ... pe care as vrea sa le pastrez pt totdeauna vii in inima mea..

Baiatul asta este baiatul pe care l-am asteptat mereu.. mi-a aratat cum e sa fiu fericita cu adevarat... sa nu ma mai tem... Am sufletul plin de el..



#7652 2007-09-22 19:39:57

Hero member
Inregistrat: 2007-06-04
Mesaje: 2205

Re: Ce gandesti acum?

Inca 2 ore

You make me so hot, You make me wanna drop, It's so ridiculous, I can barely stop, I can hardly breathe, You make me wanna scream, You're so fabulous, You're so good to me, baby, baby



#7653 2007-09-22 19:40:48

Diamond member
De la: Craiova
Inregistrat: 2006-10-06
Mesaje: 33434

Re: Ce gandesti acum?

alexia tot inainte!
se termina si ultima masina!

Indragostita de bebe Razvan si de tatic de bebe Razvan ♥ 2 ani+ ♥
No matter how you feel. Get up, dress up, show up, and NEVER give up



#7654 2007-09-22 19:41:26

Addicted member
Participant la intalnirea nationala
De la: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: 2006-01-14
Mesaje: 14580

Re: Ce gandesti acum?




#7655 2007-09-22 19:50:45

Platinum member
Inregistrat: 2006-11-25
Mesaje: 16986

Re: Ce gandesti acum?

mi-am facut masca de par cu ou,ulei de ricin si aplicat-o pe parul uscat,astept sa treaca jumatate de ora si apoi ma spal.sper sa se duca rotfl

expect the worst , hope for the best!



#7656 2007-09-22 19:53:09

Hero member
Inregistrat: 2007-06-04
Mesaje: 2205

Re: Ce gandesti acum?

Deci nu mai va explic
Bibi al meu mai are 2 frati care isi construiesc casa....un si-o fac ei singuri...ii mai ajuta un iubitu...
Dar eu sincera sa fiu m-am saturat ca aproape in fiecare weekend baiatu meu sa se duca de dimineata pana seara acolo. Nu zic.....k si eu o data la 2 weekenduri lucrez....dar ma gandesc si la el.....k lucreaza la munca de la 9 la in weekend acolo la casa de la 7-8 pana seara tarziu pe la 9-22. Ok eu inteleg sa ii ajute ca sunt frati.....dar vreau sa inteleaga si ei.
De data asta m-am enervat rau de tot.....iubitu e bolnav ...a avut 3 zile la rand febra peste 38, frisoane, il dureau oasele abia se fiecaer seara am bagat pastile in el..f.rectii cu spirt, ca sa ce???/ ca azi dimineata sa vina frati-su sa-l ia la munca, nici pana acum nu au l-am sunat si nu mai durea in gat, il durea nici nu are cu ce sa vina acasa..trebuie sa-l aduca fratele . M-am se mai gandeasca si la el un pic....k nu ei trag cu el dupa aia.....k la mine se plange

You make me so hot, You make me wanna drop, It's so ridiculous, I can barely stop, I can hardly breathe, You make me wanna scream, You're so fabulous, You're so good to me, baby, baby



#7657 2007-09-22 19:56:47

Diamond member
De la: Craiova
Inregistrat: 2006-10-06
Mesaje: 33434

Re: Ce gandesti acum?

Mitzili te inteleg.Si al meu face asa,dar pentru radio-ul unde lucreaza.
Eu ma lupt cu el sa il fac sa isi ia un concediu,un liber,etc.... sad

Indragostita de bebe Razvan si de tatic de bebe Razvan ♥ 2 ani+ ♥
No matter how you feel. Get up, dress up, show up, and NEVER give up





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