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*JOC* A fost odata...-29#533 2007-09-06 04:49:27
Re: *JOC* A fost odata...degetul mic de la piciorul drept facandu-l sa... "Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies." Offline #534 2007-09-06 04:51:13
Re: *JOC* A fost odata...incapa a cauta bucatica de deget secerata, cand vede.... "Umbrele seamana, ce-i drept, cu intunericul, dar sunt fiicele luminii." (Lucian Blaga) My papa told me to stay out of trouble/ "when you've found your man make sure he's for real"/ i've learned that nothing really lasts forever/ i sleep with the scars i wear that won't heal (Roxette) Offline #535 2007-09-06 04:53:30
Re: *JOC* A fost odata...cum usa de la casa e doborata si peste el intra... "Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies." Offline #536 2007-09-06 04:55:03
Re: *JOC* A fost odata...un urias care il acuza pe prietenul sau gay ca i-a furat penisul. Speriat, omuletzul nostru... "Umbrele seamana, ce-i drept, cu intunericul, dar sunt fiicele luminii." (Lucian Blaga) My papa told me to stay out of trouble/ "when you've found your man make sure he's for real"/ i've learned that nothing really lasts forever/ i sleep with the scars i wear that won't heal (Roxette) Offline #537 2007-09-06 04:55:54
Re: *JOC* A fost odata...scoate pistolul si isi trage un glonte in cap. Uriashul... "Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies." Offline Publicitateloading...
#538 2007-09-06 04:57:24
Re: *JOC* A fost odata...incepu sa danseze de fericire si se repezi direct spre... "Umbrele seamana, ce-i drept, cu intunericul, dar sunt fiicele luminii." (Lucian Blaga) My papa told me to stay out of trouble/ "when you've found your man make sure he's for real"/ i've learned that nothing really lasts forever/ i sleep with the scars i wear that won't heal (Roxette) Offline #539 2007-09-06 04:57:57
Re: *JOC* A fost odata...fereastra deschisa, si fara sa isi dea seama... "Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies." Offline #540 2007-09-06 04:59:26
Re: *JOC* A fost odata...cazu in gol de la etajul 18. (na ca i-am omorat pe toti ) Ramas singur, gay-ul nostru.... "Umbrele seamana, ce-i drept, cu intunericul, dar sunt fiicele luminii." (Lucian Blaga) My papa told me to stay out of trouble/ "when you've found your man make sure he's for real"/ i've learned that nothing really lasts forever/ i sleep with the scars i wear that won't heal (Roxette) Offline #541 2007-09-06 05:00:41
Re: *JOC* A fost odata...isi pune capt zilelor inghitsind... "Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies." Offline #542 2007-09-06 05:03:12
Re: *JOC* A fost odata...o fiola de otrava pt gandacii de colorado. Dar in acel moment, cineva suna la usa... "Umbrele seamana, ce-i drept, cu intunericul, dar sunt fiicele luminii." (Lucian Blaga) My papa told me to stay out of trouble/ "when you've found your man make sure he's for real"/ i've learned that nothing really lasts forever/ i sleep with the scars i wear that won't heal (Roxette) Offline #543 2007-09-06 05:05:27
Re: *JOC* A fost odata...dar deja era prea tarziu, pentru ca... "Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies." Offline #544 2007-09-06 05:06:26
Re: *JOC* A fost odata...micutzul nostru gay incepuse deja sa faca spume la gura . Asadar... Ultima oara a fost editat de soulfly (2007-09-06 05:06:48) "Umbrele seamana, ce-i drept, cu intunericul, dar sunt fiicele luminii." (Lucian Blaga) My papa told me to stay out of trouble/ "when you've found your man make sure he's for real"/ i've learned that nothing really lasts forever/ i sleep with the scars i wear that won't heal (Roxette) Offline #545 2007-09-06 05:07:04
Re: *JOC* A fost odata...inghetsata s-a scumpit cu 8 procente si... "Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies." Offline #546 2007-09-06 05:09:00
Re: *JOC* A fost odata...o noua aroma fu inventata, aceasta fiind cea mai... "Umbrele seamana, ce-i drept, cu intunericul, dar sunt fiicele luminii." (Lucian Blaga) My papa told me to stay out of trouble/ "when you've found your man make sure he's for real"/ i've learned that nothing really lasts forever/ i sleep with the scars i wear that won't heal (Roxette) Offline #547 2007-09-06 05:11:09
Re: *JOC* A fost odata...buna dintre toate soiurile de inghetsata de la compania raposatului gay. Aceasta companie... "Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies." Offline #548 2007-09-06 05:12:35
Re: *JOC* A fost odata...si-a castigat faima odata cu decesul primului gay - patron de firma producatoare de inghetzata, care.... "Umbrele seamana, ce-i drept, cu intunericul, dar sunt fiicele luminii." (Lucian Blaga) My papa told me to stay out of trouble/ "when you've found your man make sure he's for real"/ i've learned that nothing really lasts forever/ i sleep with the scars i wear that won't heal (Roxette) Offline #549 2007-09-06 05:14:23
Re: *JOC* A fost odata...de obicei se culca la 5 dimineatsa pt ca era nevoit sa se trezeasca a doua zi la 10... (la fel ca mine... nopte buna!) deoarece... "Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies." Offline #550 2007-09-06 05:16:58
Re: *JOC* A fost odata...trebuia sa aiba grija ca totul sa functioneze in parametrii normali, pentru.... (nb) "Umbrele seamana, ce-i drept, cu intunericul, dar sunt fiicele luminii." (Lucian Blaga) My papa told me to stay out of trouble/ "when you've found your man make sure he's for real"/ i've learned that nothing really lasts forever/ i sleep with the scars i wear that won't heal (Roxette) Offline #551 2007-09-06 12:11:53© Anticonceptionale.ro. Reproducerea integrala sau partiala a textelor sau a fotografiilor din oricare pagina a site-ului anticonceptionale.ro va fi posibila numai cu acordul nostru scris. |