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Va invit la nunta mea!

#1 2008-02-18 19:09:49

Hero member
Inregistrat: 2006-07-28
Mesaje: 2051

Va invit la nunta mea!

Pe bune! Doar ca este online... big_smile
Am gasit un site unde te inscrii, iti faci certificat de nunta si album (poze date de ei pe care le editezi tu ulterior) si apoi te apuci si trimiti invitatii. Ideea e sa scrii intr-un formular adrese de mail ale prietenilor tai si apoi ei vor primi un mail automat cu invitatia la nunta. In cazul in care dai click pe linkul din mail, esti considerat invitat la nunta si poti sa vezi si certificatul si albumul de nunta. Daca ati vedea ce album mi-am facut... rotfl
In toata chestia asta exista si un premiu. Nunta cu cei mai multi invitati castiga un weekend la Paris. Sunt depaaaaaaaaaaaaarte de a castiga, dar macar e distractiv. Asa ca cine vrea sa primeasca invitatie la nunta mea, sa imi trimita mail ca sa imi dati adresa voastra de mail, apoi eu o scriu in formular si primiti invitatia!

If you love something, set it free. If it comes back, it will always be yours. If it doesn't come back, it was never yours to begin with. BUT, if it just sits in your living room, messes up your stuff, eats your food, uses your telephone, takes your money, and doesn't  appear to realize that you had set it free....... You either married it or gave birth to it!



#2 2008-02-18 19:17:47

Platinum member
De la: bebeloi iubiti
Inregistrat: 2007-01-18
Mesaje: 19256

Re: Va invit la nunta mea!

gata...noi vinim big_smile

mami de minuni hjarta



#3 2008-02-18 19:22:43

Platinum member
De la: Oradea
Inregistrat: 2006-08-19
Mesaje: 23955

Re: Va invit la nunta mea!

si eu applause dar ce ma imbrac? yikes tongue

happy with him...inlove with him...puss



#4 2008-02-18 19:26:20

Sr. member
De la: Unirea, Alba
Inregistrat: 2007-11-19
Mesaje: 1291

Re: Va invit la nunta mea!

schumiholic, si eu vreau big_smile ai adresa mea de mail la profil

16.01.2016 si viata noastra e mai frumoasa bebe boy



#5 2008-02-18 19:28:06

Hero member
Inregistrat: 2006-07-28
Mesaje: 2051

Re: Va invit la nunta mea!

In lenjerie intima!

If you love something, set it free. If it comes back, it will always be yours. If it doesn't come back, it was never yours to begin with. BUT, if it just sits in your living room, messes up your stuff, eats your food, uses your telephone, takes your money, and doesn't  appear to realize that you had set it free....... You either married it or gave birth to it!





#6 2008-02-18 19:29:08

Hero member
De la: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: 2007-08-05
Mesaje: 3425

Re: Va invit la nunta mea!

si eu vreau sa vin big_smile



#7 2008-02-18 19:33:56

Hero member
Inregistrat: 2006-07-28
Mesaje: 2051

Re: Va invit la nunta mea!

crys_ty_na, daca vrei sa vii, sa imi dai mail cu adresa ta! Si sa imi spuneti ce parere aveti de album! big_smile

If you love something, set it free. If it comes back, it will always be yours. If it doesn't come back, it was never yours to begin with. BUT, if it just sits in your living room, messes up your stuff, eats your food, uses your telephone, takes your money, and doesn't  appear to realize that you had set it free....... You either married it or gave birth to it!



#8 2008-02-18 19:34:26

Platinum member
Inregistrat: 2006-11-25
Mesaje: 16986

Re: Va invit la nunta mea!

si eu si eu big_smile

expect the worst , hope for the best!



#9 2008-02-18 19:40:00

Hero member
Inregistrat: 2006-07-28
Mesaje: 2051

Re: Va invit la nunta mea!

Mersi! Ti-am trimis!

If you love something, set it free. If it comes back, it will always be yours. If it doesn't come back, it was never yours to begin with. BUT, if it just sits in your living room, messes up your stuff, eats your food, uses your telephone, takes your money, and doesn't  appear to realize that you had set it free....... You either married it or gave birth to it!



#10 2008-02-18 19:52:11

Inregistrat: 2007-12-08
Mesaje: 37788

Re: Va invit la nunta mea!

si eu viiin big_smilebig_smile
later edit:

Ultima oara a fost editat de camysh (2008-02-18 20:19:25)



#11 2008-02-18 19:55:10

Platinum member
De la: Oradea
Inregistrat: 2006-08-19
Mesaje: 23955

Re: Va invit la nunta mea!

i'm in big_smile

happy with him...inlove with him...puss



#12 2008-02-18 20:10:49

Platinum member
De la: mine pt tine :P
Inregistrat: 2007-10-11
Mesaje: 17355

Re: Va invit la nunta mea!

si   eu  vin  big_smile



#13 2008-02-18 20:14:20

Hero member
De la: Wingsland
Inregistrat: 2007-06-04
Mesaje: 4116

Re: Va invit la nunta mea!

si eu si eu!! am citit povestea cu cadoul de ziua ta... suuu

Ultima oara a fost editat de mary_aleee (2008-02-18 20:34:30)

Have you ever thrown a fist full of glitter in the air?...



#14 2008-02-18 20:21:57

Insomniac member
Participant la intalnirea nationala
Inregistrat: 2007-04-26
Mesaje: 8836

Re: Va invit la nunta mea!

me toooooooooo

ms puss

Ultima oara a fost editat de Anka_Lala (2008-02-18 20:26:22)

Reach for the stars ,so if you fall you land on a cloud... wink



#15 2008-02-18 20:23:12

Platinum member
Inregistrat: 2006-11-25
Mesaje: 16986

Re: Va invit la nunta mea!

am primit big_smile

Ultima oara a fost editat de oana_ (2008-02-18 20:27:33)

expect the worst , hope for the best!



#16 2008-02-18 20:26:26

Insomniac member
De la: cer pana la pamant
Inregistrat: 2007-11-28
Mesaje: 9137

Re: Va invit la nunta mea!

aici ne "autoinvitam"?

ce rapida ai fost big_smile deja am primit invitatia. ms puss

Ultima oara a fost editat de flrramona21 (2008-02-18 20:30:41)

Daca esti fata, citeste!!!
postez aici de bligdizeala ... sau ca sa ma bag in seama dumbom
copil botos sad cate stele verzi vezi atatia pupici iti trimit, daca nu le vezi spune si rezolvam prin 2 palme



#17 2008-02-18 20:29:24

Sr. member
De la: orasul de pe deal
Inregistrat: 2006-09-14
Mesaje: 1177

Re: Va invit la nunta mea!

ce de invitati !! ai o sala suficient de mare ptr. toti? wink

Ultima oara a fost editat de milana (2008-02-18 20:37:09)



#18 2008-02-18 20:29:38

Hero member
Inregistrat: 2006-07-28
Mesaje: 2051

Re: Va invit la nunta mea!

Mersi mult, fetelor! Dupa ce primiti invitatia sa stergeti mailul de aici.

If you love something, set it free. If it comes back, it will always be yours. If it doesn't come back, it was never yours to begin with. BUT, if it just sits in your living room, messes up your stuff, eats your food, uses your telephone, takes your money, and doesn't  appear to realize that you had set it free....... You either married it or gave birth to it!



#19 2008-02-18 20:34:58

Hero member
De la: Wingsland
Inregistrat: 2007-06-04
Mesaje: 4116

Re: Va invit la nunta mea!

gata, eu is invitata!!

Have you ever thrown a fist full of glitter in the air?...





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