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Supranatural..discutii libere :P-17

#305 2008-08-27 12:31:45

Hero member
De la: Focsani
Inregistrat: 2006-10-20
Mesaje: 4428

Re: Supranatural..discutii libere :P

da....asa parca...
totusi...uite ce am gasit pe net:
The Blair Witch Project is a documentary. - Not true. The marketers of The Blair Witch Project have gone to great lengths to foster the notion that the movie is a documentary. Unfortunately, however, that is all just savvy marketing. The movie is fiction written by the directors Daniel Myrick and Eduardo S?nchez and starring Heather Donahue, Michael Williams and Joshua Leonard as the hapless college student filmakers.

There is a legend of the Blair Witch. - Not true. Myrick and S?nchez invented everything, with the exception of Burkettsville, Maryland, for the movie. There was no legend of the 'Blair Witch.'

The actors were genuinely frightened/tired/etc. - True. Though S?nchez and Myrick provided a minimal script and some suggestions during filming, the movie is an exercise in method acting. Here a quote from an interview of actor Joshua Leonard:
    Salon Magazine: So what's going through your mind after the food diminished and the exhaustion increased? I know they put you in the woods with limited supplies and a lot of unexpected disturbances. Did they really put you in that much anguish to add to the realism?

    Joshua Leonard: When we signed on to do the project, one of the first things they told us was, "Your safety is our concern. Your comfort is not." And they made that blatantly clear from the very beginning. You understand that intellectually, but still there's no way to really prepare. When you're on your third PowerBar day, when your cigarettes are gone, when you haven't showered, when you've been kept awake, when you've got a sleep deprivation thing going, when you're exhausted, when there's two inches of rain in the bottom of your tent -- you've got to act. You're wiping your ass with leaves and you're with two total strangers 24 hours a day and there are babies crying outside your tents at 4 in the morning. There's only so much that you can intellectually prepare for, and then you go out and that's where you get the method, that's where you get the reality.

si totusi am auzit la discovery legenda vrajitoarei din blair...mai caut pe net. smile

If you feel my love, can hear my thoughts? Can you feel everything? And if you hear my thoughts, can you feed my soul? Can you save it too?
hjarta Eu si puiu hjarta



#306 2008-08-27 12:31:48

Hero member
Inregistrat: 2008-05-23
Mesaje: 2469

Re: Supranatural..discutii libere :P

La poze oricum pot fi usor trucate ca exista atatea programe..dar mai stii big_smile

We Have To Be Strong !!!



#307 2008-08-27 12:33:52

Insomniac member
De la: ei
Inregistrat: 2008-03-19
Mesaje: 7980

Re: Supranatural..discutii libere :P

aolo... mai e p aolo un filmulet cu un bebe cu trei manute grater

Everything will be ok in the end.
If it's not ok, it's not the end.



#308 2008-08-27 12:34:11

De la: Mika
Inregistrat: 2007-04-03
Mesaje: 24197

Re: Supranatural..discutii libere :P

nu prea am timp
dar va zic



#309 2008-08-27 12:35:03

Hero member
Inregistrat: 2008-05-23
Mesaje: 2469

Re: Supranatural..discutii libere :P

Andreea86 a scris:

da....asa parca...
totusi...uite ce am gasit pe net:
The Blair Witch Project is a documentary. - Not true. The marketers of The Blair Witch Project have gone to great lengths to foster the notion that the movie is a documentary. Unfortunately, however, that is all just savvy marketing. The movie is fiction written by the directors Daniel Myrick and Eduardo S?nchez and starring Heather Donahue, Michael Williams and Joshua Leonard as the hapless college student filmakers.

There is a legend of the Blair Witch. - Not true. Myrick and S?nchez invented everything, with the exception of Burkettsville, Maryland, for the movie. There was no legend of the 'Blair Witch.'

The actors were genuinely frightened/tired/etc. - True. Though S?nchez and Myrick provided a minimal script and some suggestions during filming, the movie is an exercise in method acting. Here a quote from an interview of actor Joshua Leonard:
    Salon Magazine: So what's going through your mind after the food diminished and the exhaustion increased? I know they put you in the woods with limited supplies and a lot of unexpected disturbances. Did they really put you in that much anguish to add to the realism?

    Joshua Leonard: When we signed on to do the project, one of the first things they told us was, "Your safety is our concern. Your comfort is not." And they made that blatantly clear from the very beginning. You understand that intellectually, but still there's no way to really prepare. When you're on your third PowerBar day, when your cigarettes are gone, when you haven't showered, when you've been kept awake, when you've got a sleep deprivation thing going, when you're exhausted, when there's two inches of rain in the bottom of your tent -- you've got to act. You're wiping your ass with leaves and you're with two total strangers 24 hours a day and there are babies crying outside your tents at 4 in the morning. There's only so much that you can intellectually prepare for, and then you go out and that's where you get the method, that's where you get the reality.

si totusi am auzit la discovery legenda vrajitoarei din blair...mai caut pe net. smile

Adica pe aia ia lasat sa se chinuie acolo,ii speriau si asa au facut filmul?big_smile

We Have To Be Strong !!!





#310 2008-08-27 12:35:48

Insomniac member
De la: ei
Inregistrat: 2008-03-19
Mesaje: 7980

Re: Supranatural..discutii libere :P

fetelor... dar nu s a vazut la ecografie k bebeii aia ies malformati? mi e asa frica...  grater

Everything will be ok in the end.
If it's not ok, it's not the end.



#311 2008-08-27 12:35:58

Hero member
Inregistrat: 2006-07-26
Mesaje: 3313

Re: Supranatural..discutii libere :P

Nu ma mai uit la Blair Witch desi vroiam, mi-a ajuns trailer-ul de la White Noise, ca restul il face imaginatia mea muuult prea bogata.

"Daca plangi pentru ca soarele a disparut din viata ta, lacrimile te vor impiedica sa vezi stelele."~Rabindranath Tagore



#312 2008-08-27 12:38:51

Hero member
De la: Focsani
Inregistrat: 2006-10-20
Mesaje: 4428

Re: Supranatural..discutii libere :P … 353AAS8RBw

There is a blaire witch tale....but it goes back to the colonial days about some very boring chick who was a hermit and outcast of her town. She lived alone with a few cats, a deer, and fleas. The occational visitor would drop by and they might talk, but then the visitor would go back to society and tell their adventures of surviving the witch in the woods.

That's it. There is no supernaturalism, there is no horror story of a witch or curse that murders people, just a boring story about a hermit.

If you feel my love, can hear my thoughts? Can you feel everything? And if you hear my thoughts, can you feed my soul? Can you save it too?
hjarta Eu si puiu hjarta



#313 2008-08-27 12:39:07

Hero member
Inregistrat: 2008-05-23
Mesaje: 2469

Re: Supranatural..discutii libere :P

vdaiana a scris:

Nu ma mai uit la Blair Witch desi vroiam, mi-a ajuns trailer-ul de la White Noise, ca restul il face imaginatia mea muuult prea bogata.

Nu stii ce pierzi big_smile ..sunt misto filmele..asa sunt eu mai nebuna lol

We Have To Be Strong !!!



#314 2008-08-27 12:39:13

De la: Mika
Inregistrat: 2007-04-03
Mesaje: 24197

Re: Supranatural..discutii libere :P

si Dragos a vazut Blair W
a zis ca e super spooky
si nu m-am mai uitat rotfl



#315 2008-08-27 12:40:32

Hero member
Inregistrat: 2008-05-23
Mesaje: 2469

Re: Supranatural..discutii libere :P

Andreea86 a scris:

There is a blaire witch tale....but it goes back to the colonial days about some very boring chick who was a hermit and outcast of her town. She lived alone with a few cats, a deer, and fleas. The occational visitor would drop by and they might talk, but then the visitor would go back to society and tell their adventures of surviving the witch in the woods.

That's it. There is no supernaturalism, there is no horror story of a witch or curse that murders people, just a boring story about a hermit.

Poate e mai bine ca nu e adevarat ..dar filmul tot e tare lol

We Have To Be Strong !!!



#316 2008-08-27 12:41:09

Hero member
Inregistrat: 2006-07-26
Mesaje: 3313

Re: Supranatural..discutii libere :P

life a scris:

Nu stii ce pierzi big_smile ..sunt misto filmele..asa sunt eu mai nebuna lol

Io sint fan SF! Daca se strecoara si ceva horror in SF e ok, dar sa nu fie film numa horror...e destul de horror viata, n-am nevoie sa fiu speriata si din filme.

"Daca plangi pentru ca soarele a disparut din viata ta, lacrimile te vor impiedica sa vezi stelele."~Rabindranath Tagore



#317 2008-08-27 12:41:20

Hero member
Inregistrat: 2008-05-23
Mesaje: 2469

Re: Supranatural..discutii libere :P

Dar Blair w 2 a vazut cineva? ala e misto.

We Have To Be Strong !!!



#318 2008-08-27 12:46:28

Hero member
De la: Focsani
Inregistrat: 2006-10-20
Mesaje: 4428

Re: Supranatural..discutii libere :P

da...l-am vazut. dar 1 mi-a placut mai mult. sau fiindca am vazut prima oara 2-ul si apoi m-a imrpesionat asa tare.

If you feel my love, can hear my thoughts? Can you feel everything? And if you hear my thoughts, can you feed my soul? Can you save it too?
hjarta Eu si puiu hjarta



#319 2008-08-27 12:54:57

Hero member
Inregistrat: 2008-05-23
Mesaje: 2469

Re: Supranatural..discutii libere :P

We Have To Be Strong !!!



#320 2008-08-27 13:03:06

Hero member
De la: Focsani
Inregistrat: 2006-10-20
Mesaje: 4428

Re: Supranatural..discutii libere :P

dar the others ati vazut?

If you feel my love, can hear my thoughts? Can you feel everything? And if you hear my thoughts, can you feed my soul? Can you save it too?
hjarta Eu si puiu hjarta



#321 2008-08-27 13:06:05

Hero member
Inregistrat: 2008-05-23
Mesaje: 2469

Re: Supranatural..discutii libere :P

Andreea86 a scris:

dar the others ati vazut?

O da..f tare filmul hjarta

We Have To Be Strong !!!



#322 2008-08-27 13:09:12

Hero member
Inregistrat: 2008-05-23
Mesaje: 2469

Re: Supranatural..discutii libere :P

Sa se intample cuiva ceva asemanator ca intr'un film dinasta cred ca face infract..In filme e tare sa vezi dar in realitate nu ar mai fi asa tare big_smile

We Have To Be Strong !!!



#323 2008-08-27 13:15:07

Sr. member
Inregistrat: 2008-05-05
Mesaje: 1567

Re: Supranatural..discutii libere :P

mie nu mi s=a parut cine stie c infricosator blairwitch
desi sunt cea mai fricoasa ever kare adoarme cu tv aprins:

Dance like nobody is watchin....





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